Season 4 Episode 1 - Family

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Mary's cries wake up Robbie and Deanna and Deanna groans as she sits up but Robbie sits upright in bed and says "Go back to sleep Babe, I'll see to Mary" and Deanna looks over at a sleeping Ryder who is sleeping on the other single motel bed and she falls back down in bed and goes back to sleep and Robbie looks down at Deanna and smiles at her and he leans down and gently kisses Deanna's temple.

The next morning Deanna and Ryder and Robbie are sitting at the motel kitchen table and are pancakes when Sam and Dean walk into Deanna's motel room and Deanna grins as she stands up and says "Morning boys" Dean and Sam say in unison "Morning" Robbie asks "Do you want some pancakes, Deanne cooked way too many" Dean and Sam look at each other and shrug their shoulders and nods and Dean says "Yeah okay we could go some pancakes" and Deanna chuckles. Deanna stands up as Dean and Sam approach the table and Deanna looks at Sam and she tilts her head to the side and she asks "So, where are we with finding the demon?" Sam shakes his head and Deanna exclaims "Seriously Sammy? Look I get it you're hurting over Dad, we all are but you've gotta find him, he killed Mom and Dad and your Girlfriend! This Son of A Bitch has took too much from this family!" and Deanna walks to Mary's travel cot and she looks down at her awakened Daughter and picks her up and storms outside. Ryder looks to Dean and asks "Is Mommy okay?" Dean ruffles Ryder's blonde hair and nods and says "Your Mom's fine, I'll go check on her" and Ryder nods.

Deanna is sitting on the motel porch as Mary is sitting up on Deanna's legs. Dean walks out of the motel room and acknowledges his younger Sister and Niece and he walks towards them and he sits beside her and Deanna says "Before you start, I'm fine. I'm sick of people asking me that question" Dean looks at Deanna and says "I wasn't gonna ask you that, I know you've got this. You're the strongest girl I know, and truth be told you've kept me and Sam together after these past few months and we love you for that" Deanna gives Dean a small smile and says "That's my job to look after my family" and Dean says "I'm worried about you Annie, Robbie says you haven't been yourself" Deanna looks to Dean and asks "He said that?" Dean nods and he says "and to be honest Sam and me have noticed it" and Deanna looks down at Mary.

Nicole calls Deanna.
Deanna confronts Robbie.

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