Season 4 Episode 5 - Greatest Honour

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Bobby confronted Robbie.
Robbie felt guilt ridden.

Deanna is cradling Mary when Dean and Sam and Ryder are sitting at the kitchen table eating their breakfast when Dean says "I've been thinking on what you've been saying Annie and I think you're right" Deanna looks at Dean and asks "About what?" Dean says as he swallows his food "About the yellow eyed demon, we should hunt it down and make it pay" Deanna nods and says "That's what I've been saying all along...we should destroy the son of a bitch before it destroys anymore families" Sam nods and says "I'm in" and Deanna smiles. When there's a knock on the motel room door and Deanna walks to the door and opens the door and Robbie smiles at Deanna and says "Hey Babe" and Deanna smirks and she kisses Robbie. Robbie looks down at Mary who is staring up at him and he chuckles and he lifts Mary from Deanna's arms and he rocks Mary and says "It's okay, Daddy's here" and Deanna smiles.

Deanna is sitting on the motel bed and is changing Mary's diaper when Robbie sits at the bottom of the bed and he says "We have to talk" Deanna glances up at Robbie "What's wrong Baby? Look if it's about that stupid fight let's just forget all about it" Robbie smiles and says "It's not about the fight, it's about us" Robbie looks down at their Daughter and gently strokes Mary's cheek and says "I love you, I love our family... I want to be with you until we're old and grey and watch our children grow with kids of their own" Deanna asks as she arches her eyebrow up "Children?" Robbie says "Yeah we're definitely having more" and they both laugh. Robbie says "What I'm trying to say is" Robbie puts his hand in his leather jacket pocket and takes out a small box and kneels down on one knee and he opens the jewellery box to reveal a diamond ring. Deanna gasps as she places her hand over her mouth and he asks "Deanne, would you do me the greatest honour and make me the happiest man in the world and marry me and become my Wife?" Deanna is close to tears and she nods and says "Yes!" Robbie lets out a sigh of relief and he takes the diamond ring out of the box and slips the ring on Deanna's finger and they kiss each other.

The Winchester Brothers find out about Deanna's proposal.
Dean isn't happy.

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