Season 4 Episode 6 - Dead Body

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Robbie proposed to Deanna.
Deanna accepted Robbie's proposal.

Dean and Sam walk into Deanna's motel room and Deanna is feeding Mary and Ryder is eating his pancakes as Robbie is standing beside Deanna. Sam says "Morning" Deanna grins at Sam and Dean and says "Morning, you guys want some breakfast?" Dean nods and says "Sure" Robbie kisses Deanna and Robbie says "Should we tell them our news?" Deanna nods and Dean asks "What news?" Deanna puts her hand up and shows off her engagement ring and says with excitement "We're getting married?!" Dean's jaw drops as Sam rushes to Deanna and envelopes her in a hug "Well I guess I should say congratulations you two" Dean scoffs in disbelief and says "Sammy you're not being serious?!" Ryder looks at everybody and Deanna asks "What's wrong De?" Dean says "I'll tell you what's wrong! You aren't marrying him!" Robbie says annoyed "You got something to say Dean, just spit it out!" Dean says "Over my dead body are you marrying him!" Deanna rolls her eyes and she says "De this is my choice and I'm choosing to marry Robbie! I love him! We're getting married and I'd like you to be there because y'know you're my Brother!" and Deanna shakes her head and scoffs in disbelief.

Dean is sitting in his motel room sitting on the bed and staring in a trance when Sam walks in their motel room and Dean asks "Dude what the hell?! You're supposed to back me up!" Sam sighs and says "After all the hell she's been through with Nathan and Dad dying in her arms and the yellow eyed demon she deserves some happiness" Dean stands up and says "Yeah but not with him! He's a outsider! And I don't trust him!" Sam deeply sighs and says "Look whether we like it or not he's in Deanna's life, I mean he's Mary's Dad for crying out loud...the best thing you could do is just agree with them and go to the wedding and put on a smile and just be happy for her" and Dean says "and what? Watch her make a huge mistake?!" Sam shrugs his shoulders and says "Yeah if we need to and if you're right and he hurts her then we be there for her and the kids and we hurt him" and Dean sighs and says "I don't like it" and Sam says "You don't have a choice Dean"

Dean and Deanna have a heart to heart.
Deanna starts to plan her wedding.

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