Chapter Two: The Mall Rats

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Same Night - Same Scene

Night - Brimborn Steel Works

The shadow of the Mind Flayer had just caught Ruby and Billy and brought them into the steel works. Both were bleeding from the head from the attack.

The shadow was trying to restrain Ruby on the floor, beginning to attack her through every orifice like he had with Will. Ruby was screaming in pain, starting to glow with golden light as her body and her power of energy beams, as hot as the sun, was fighting the infection that the Flayer could have given her. It was so painful and taking so much out of her that she had to scream in pain and exertion as light seemed to explode out of her to send the Mind Flayer soaring away from her. Ruby fell unconscious to the ground.

The Mind Flayer was able to finish his attack on Billy without harm to himself, though Billy wasn't completely taken yet.

Billy grabbed Ruby from the ground, pulling her up. "Ruby? Ruby, come on, wake up. Ruby! Ruby? Ruby. Fuck."

On the Road

Billy ran to get Ruby to the car, driving them away as fast as he could. He found a payphone on the side of the road, parking, getting out, running to the payphone to try and call for help.

"911, what's your emergency?" Billy was flashing back to the Mind Flayer's attack on him and Ruby. "Is someone there? Hello?"

The light flickered above Billy before going out, along with the payphone.

Billy had to hang up, walking out to the road.

In Billy's mind, he appeared in the Upside Down, walking out into the road, seeing an intense fog and a group of people beyond the fog. "What do you want? Hey! I said, what do you want?" The red thunderstorm was seen in the sky behind Billy. "I said, what do you want?"

The group approached him through the fog, stopping a small distance away. One of them approached Billy until he could see their face, revealing it was a complete reflection of himself.

Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things)

Day Two

Morning - Hopper's Cabin - Living Room

Eleven had been outside, pacing, waiting for Mike, sighing, walking inside.

Hopper was making breakfast. "Hey. Is everything okay?"

Eleven walked up to the phone on the wall, calling Mike. "Yes."

In the Wheeler house, Karen answered the phone. "Hello, this is the Wheelers. Yeah, just a sec. Mike! Phone!"

In the basement, Mike called up to his mother. "Okay!" He hesitantly picked up the phone on the wall next to him. "Hello?"

Eleven walked into her room, using her power to close the door behind her. "It's 9:32. Where are you?"

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