Chapter Six: E Pluribus Unum

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Same Night - Day One

Night - Starcourt Mall - Russian Base

Looking in through the glass doors, Robin, Erica, Nadia, Steve, Hailey and Dustin could see the portal drill the Russians were using to keep the gate to the Upside Down open. Nadia, Steve, Hailey and Dustin knew the danger of this, but Robin and Erica were confused, while all of them were in shock.

Nadia, Steve, Hailey and Dustin exchanged a look. "The gate."

They all walked down from the stairs.

"I don't understand," Robin admitted. "You've seen this before?"

"Not exactly," Steve answered.

"Then what, exactly?" Robin asked.

"All you need to know is it's bad," Dustin told them.

"It's really bad," Hailey agreed.

"Like end of the human race as we know it kind of bad," Nadia told them.

"And you know about this how?" Robin asked.

"Um, guys?" Erica asked. "Where's Nadia, Hailey and Steve's Russian friends?"

They turned to follow Erica's gaze, seeing that the three Russian guards that Nadia, Hailey and Steve had knocked out were now gone.

The alarm started to blare.

Nadia ran to the door to look out into the main room of the base. "Shit." Men were yelling in Russian, and soldiers were coming to the comms room where the Scoops Troops were hiding in. Nadia slammed the door closed. "Shit. Go, go, go, go, go!"

They started to run.

"Shit!" Dustin said.

"Move, let's move!" Steve told them.

The Scoops Troops ran to find a hiding place, only to come to a place where more Russians were.

"Oh, shit," Hailey muttered.

"Go!" Steve told them. "Shit! Shit, shit, shit!"

They continued to run.

"Go, go, go!" Nadia told them.

They ran along a bridge/balcony nearby where the portal drill was.

Seeing a Russian in front of them, Dustin shrieked, shoving the Russian out of the way.

They came close enough to the portal drill they could almost touch it, but had to stop so they wouldn't get hurt.

"Holy shit!" Dustin said. "Holy shit, holy shit! Holy shit, holy shit! Shit! Holy shit, holy shit!"

Erica saw the men coming for them. "Guards!"

Nadia was at a lost for options, knowing they had to get out as soon as they could, seeing a bar in the ceiling over head, and a door on the other side of the portal drill. "Grab onto each other."

Steve, Hailey and Dustin knew what Nadia was about to do, grabbing onto Nadia, each other, and Robin and Erica. Nadia conjured two glowing purple psychic energy whips, flinging them around the bar in the ceiling, and allowing the Scoops to swing over the portal drill to get away from the Russians, to the other side of the room, and through the door, as Robin and Erica were screaming in shock, but they made it without getting hurt.

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