Chapter Four: The Sauna Test

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Same Night - Day One

Night - Billy and Max's House - Outside

Ruby pulled up on her motorcycle, parking. Eleven and Max stopped on their bike behind her. They walked up to the front door.

"You seriously gotta walk us up to the front door?" Max asked. "You won't even let either of us help you or touch you, and--"

"That's because when people touch me, my sanity/madness power can affect them, and with my powers out of control, I could drive someone insane without meaning to," Ruby replied.

"Yeah, good point," Max agreed.

"Anyway, I got to stay hidden, because after I lost control at my motel room, the restaurant, and the pool, I'm sure the cops are looking for me, so I just need to talk to you real quick and take off, stay hidden," Ruby told them.

Max walked into the open garage to look for a radio, finding it, walking back outside to hand it to Ruby. "Well, keep this with you, please? At least that way we can stay in contact with you and we can make sure you're okay."

Ruby sighed. "Fine."

"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max asked.

"It doesn't make sense," Eleven told them.

"What doesn't make sense?" Max asked.

"Heather," Eleven answered. "The blood. The ice."

"Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now," Max told them. "That has to be it."

Ruby scoffed. "I felt the pain that Heather felt in her memory, Max. That's not what happened, and you know it. You're just in denial that something bad is happening again."

"Yeah, but we saw her, Ruby," Max told her. "We all saw her. She's totally fine."

"What about Billy?" Ruby asked.

"What about him?" Max asked.

"He seemed wrong," Ruby answered.

Max chuckled. "Wrong is kind of like his default." Ruby tilted her head. "But it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that would've totally sucked."

Eleven frowned in concern. "Ruby? Are you okay?"

"No," Ruby answered. "No, El, I'm not okay. With my powers out of control, with my craziness acting up... and with whatever is going on here... I have to figure this out. But right now, I gotta lay low so the cops don't find me."

"Keep your radio on you," Max told her. "In case we need to find you and talk."

Ruby sighed, nodding in agreement, walking away toward her motorcycle, getting on to drive away.

Eleven watched her go in concern. "Max? Do you think Ruby will be okay?"

Max was just as worried. "I don't know."

Driscoll House - Living Room

Nancy and Jonathan had called for help, and now the paramedics were here to take Doris away to the hospital.

Worlds Colliding (Stranger Things) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now