play, third years

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     Harry never got a reply after that. He was sure that he scared Malfoy away. He made sure to avoid Malfoy for fear of being discovered. Harry left Malfoy a note whenever he felt like talking to him but didn't want to actually do so. He knew they were being read because when he would leave a new one, the old one was missing. All that remained was a little card with an embroidered M on it each time.

     Draco had read every single note and drafted a response to each and every one, but never put the response in it's spot. He was afraid. Harry knew who he was. Harry knew that Draco was writing him little notes. Little love notes. Okay, not exactly love notes, but damn near close to it. He felt horrible for not properly responding to Harry after so long. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to give Harry for Christmas this year.

     Harry knew what he wanted to give Draco. The day before Christmas hols, Harry wrote a note to Draco asking to meet him in the music room on Christmas morning. It wasn't a well-known room, honestly. Tucked deep in the lowest level of Hogwarts, the music room held instruments of all types. Instruments throughout history. Harry spent a lot of his free time in the room. He had taught himself to play piano and violin just by sitting and practicing. 

     That morning was nerve-wracking for both boys. Draco wasn't sure if he should go to the music room. He was nervous. Terrified, even. Would something happen? Was Harry tricking him? Harry, however, was nervous for similar reasons. He was terrified that Draco wouldn't show. Would he get stood up? Would he mess up?

     "I had debated not coming, you know." The voice came out of silence, giving Harry a momentary heart issue. He turned to face Draco, a soft smile on his face. "I decided that, if you wanted to ridicule me, you had all year to do so." 

     "Good point." Harry chuckled, turning to face the piano once more. "I was worried you wouldn't show. I knew you were debating not coming, but I'm really glad you did. After the two gifts you made, I made something for you. It's not...well." Harry sighed, taking a deep breath. "It's not a physical gift, but I want you to hear it."

     "Hear what?" Draco watched Harry's fingers start to play. It was like an angel had come down to Earth just to play piano. The song seemed to last a lifetime, Draco never wanted it to end. Eventually, though, it did. The song ended and the air was thick with emotion. "That was beautiful, Harry."

     "I, uh, I called it M's Lament. I started writing it after the portrait, but only finally finished it last week. I wanted it to be perfect. It's my thank you for the portrait and the lion. I keep them close to my heart. Closer than most things, I hope you understand how much they mean to me." Harry was visibly nervous. The whole world could've seen that.

     "It was wonderful. Far better than I could've done. I wasn't even sure what I was going to give you this year. I honestly wasn't. I thought you were going to bring me down here to fight now that you know and that I've kind of been ignoring you."

     "I was upset, sure, but I get why you never replied." Harry chuckled, looking down at the ground.

     "Could you teach me?" Draco whispered.

     "Teach you what?"

     "Music. I've always wanted to learn piano." He admits, hoping for a yes. Harry nodded, beaming.

     The rest of their third year was full of smiles and music notes. Every Friday night, Harry would teach Draco piano and Draco would teach Harry to draw and do origami. The best gift anyone could've asked for. Friendship.

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