dance, fourth years (pt. 2)

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     "Yeah," Draco smiled thoughtfully, looking down at the floor in front of him. "They're great." Draco's gaze moved from the floor to Harry's eyes. Draco had a strange ability to read emotions perfectly, but he could never read Harry's. No matter how hard he tried. It ached him to his core, not being able to read the one person who he wishes he could.

     "Anyways, should get going. I've got somewhere to be." Harry lied. He had become exceptionally good at lying over the past few months. He had to lie to everyone just to spend time with Draco, but it was worth it. All he wanted was for Draco to like him as much as he liked Draco. 

     "Oh," Draco sighed, looking sad. "Same time tomorrow?" Being so close to the ball, classes were all half-days leading up to it. "Please?"

     "We'll see. I'll owl you." Harry disappeared faster than Draco could keep up. He hated lying to Draco, but it hurt too much knowing that he wasn't the object of Draco's affection. He made it to Gryffindor tower before a single tear slipped from his eye. Harry knew he had to come out to even start to be happy, but he couldn't find the words to do so. Not even his two best friends knew, and they were getting suspicious of Harry's running off.

     Draco, however, had begun to come out slowly. He knew how to do it, but he wasn't sure how to tell Harry. It felt different somehow. He knew Harry was upset about something, he could tell. He knew Harry was lying about having somewhere to be. 

     Tonight was the night he would do it, though. Tonight would be the night he came out to Harry. He didn't care if Harry didn't accept him, but he couldn't just keep hiding it from him. He quickly owl'd Harry to meet him in the music room and that it was very important. Once down in the room, he paced while he waited for Harry. Fifteen minutes later, Harry came in looking worried.

     "I have something to tell you and you're not allowed to say anything until I am 100% done. Got it?" Draco rambled. Harry nodded. "Good. Sit." He did. "Okay. How do I say this? You know how I told you I like somebody?"


     "No. I told you not to speak until I finish." Draco muttered, careful not to look Harry in the eye. "Anyways, you automatically assumed that it was a female." Draco took a deep breath, ready to be hurt. "It's a male. I, Draco Malfoy, am a man that loves men. I'm, uh, I'm gay is what I guess I'm trying to say." He breathed. "Okay, I guess you can speak now." He chuckled breathlessly.

     "Oh." Was all Harry said in response. "Cool." 




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