dance, fourth years (pt. 4)

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     The day of the Yule Ball began as stressful as any other important day in a teenager's life. That is, without the overwhelming panic of possibly getting hexed on your first date. It seemed like yesterday that Harry and Draco had confessed their feelings for each other and they were absolutely horrified that something would go wrong.

     The day already seemed to go off horribly when Harry just couldn't get his hair to cooperate. It was more unruly than ever as he dressed for his first official date. The color in his cheeks seemed to fade, making him seem sickly. It didn't help that his stomach was in absolute knots over wanting it to be perfect.

     Draco wasn't doing much better. There was a hole in his dress robes that wasn't there when he last checked. He made an emergency trip to Hogsmede (aided by Pansy Parkinson, of course) to find new robes. From the outside, it looked to any other witch or wizard like a young couple shopping on their day off from work or school. But, in reality, it seemed anything but. Yes, it was technically a day off, but they definitely were not a couple. Pansy had been interested in Draco in the past, but her feelings for him faded when she realized it wasn't going to happen.

     "Honestly, Draco. The longer you stress-shop, the less time you'll have to get ready for your date with-" Draco slapped a hand over his friends mouth, daring her to say it out loud. Tonight was not only his first official date with Harry, but they were both coming out tonight as well. He didn't dare speak it aloud just yet. 

     "Just help me, Pans. I don't have your sense of style." Draco drawled, removing his hand from Pansy's mouth. She sighed, turning towards the robes. "Money is no object. It's going on the Malfoy account." Draco muttered, eyeing a pair of shoes in the corner to distract himself. 

     "Here. Dressing room. Now." Pansy shoved the garment into Draco's hands and pushed him in the direction of the dressing rooms. "Don't come out until you've changed and you're ready to be seen. If it isn't the one, tell me and I'll fix it." She called out to him. He acknowledged his friend with a hand gesture and did as he was told.

     The first suit fit well, but it wasn't perfect. It was too...too Malfoy. He didn't want to be seen as a Malfoy tonight. Just as Draco. He told Pansy what was bothering him and she pondered a solution.

     Almost perfect. Almost. There was something missing. Pansy grinned, knowing exactly what was missing. With a silent wave of her wand, it was the perfect suit. The pants and coat were pitch black with hints of green. It fit like it was made for Draco, which it technically was. The jacket had an embroidered serpent made from silver thread. The snake wove itself around the cuffs of the jacket sleeves and around the collar. At the end of the cuffs was a gorgeous set of silver cuff links with the letters DM engraved in them next to a dark green emerald stone. 

     "It's perfect, Pans. Thank you." Draco grinned. The suit was put on the Malfoy account and the pair went back to the grounds of Hogwarts to finish preparing for the ball.

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