dance, fourth years (pt. 5)

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     The ball started twenty-five minutes ago and Harry was nowhere in sight. Draco had let his worries get the best of him, convinced that he was being stood up. He stared aimlessly around the crowded room in search of the boy he had come to feel for. 

     "There you-" Draco turned to face the voice, shocked by the appearance of his date. Harry Potter stood before him in a tight pair of dress pants and a white button down shirt. Over the shirt was a burgundy suit-coat, buttoned appropriately.  "Wow." Harry gasped, his eyes sparkling. He wasn't wearing his glasses. Why wasn't he wearing his glasses? "You look amazing."

     "Do I? Is it too much?" Draco muttered aloud, hoping he wasn't too much for Harry to handle. "You look good too, Harry. I should say that, but I am surprised you aren't wearing your glasses?" Draco reached out to touch Harry's face softly, a gesture that he hadn't done before. Harry all but melted into the touch.

     "I wasn't sure if I should or not, you know? I wanted to look good. I don't want to mess this up. Whatever...whatever this is. I know I was late and I feel like an idiot. I got the time mixed up and I had to do something before I came." He started to ramble with an air of nervousness. 

     "It doesn't matter. You're here now, yeah? Let's go mingle or something?" Draco intertwined their fingers, grinning at the warmth. Harry was practically seeing stars just with the proximity of Draco to him, but he was going to make it through tonight if it killed him.

     Together, they moved as one. They glided through the ballroom, smiling at their peers. They didn't care who thought negativity towards them, they were happy to just be there with each other. Rita Skeeter made note of the couple, writing down everything she could muster up on the pair.

     Harry Potter, son of the late James Potter and Lily Evans. Defeated Lord Voldemort as a baby, left only with a scar on his forehead in the shape of a jagged lightning bolt. On a date with Draco Malfoy, son of ex-Death Eaters Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy. There was definitely a story of some sorts there. If not their pasts, then their genders. 

     "Any ladies caught your eyes tonight, gentlemen?" Rita inquired, eyeing the couple. Her charmed quill taking notes diligently behind her, Rita awaited an answer. Harry paused, not ready to speak just yet. Draco, however, grinned.

     "Nope." He beamed. "I'm here on a date with my boyfriend. If you're looking for a story, Skeeter, this isn't it. Might want to write a piece on the Durmstrang student that was caught groping the second year earlier this week." He smirked, watching the journalist's skin pale before she scurried away.

     "So," Harry smirked, looking Draco in the eyes. "I'm your boyfriend, now?" Draco turned white, he hadn't even paid attention to what he'd been saying. His cheeks were bright red compared to the rest of his facial features.

     "I...If you want to-" He was cut off by a kiss. Harry pulled Draco in by the waist to kiss him softly on the lips. When he pulled away, both boys were breathless. Not from the magnitude of the kiss, but the power of their feelings for each other. The clock seemed to strike midnight forever as they pulled into one last kiss.


Ooof this took too long for me to do all 5 parts.

I think this is the finale of Yuletides Greetings. I wanted to keep it going until their final year, but quite like it ending on this note.

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