Chapter 2

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"I am moving to the hostel." Sarah announced.

"Me too." Leher and Hayat said in unison and then looked at each other.

"Are you serious?" all of them said in happiness and then laughed out loud.

As soon as the van stopped, Hayat pulled Sarah towards a corner.

Leher shook her head & headed towards library. She went there to issue some books. She was searching the book on a rack. As she moved back, she bumped into someone who was already rubbing his forehead and his books were scattered on the floor. As soon as his eyes fell on her, for a moment he was lost looking at her.

 As soon as his eyes fell on her, for a moment he was lost looking at her

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"I am sorry", both said in unison.

"Its okay!" again both said together. They looked at each other for a moment with a slight smile & then looked away. Leher helped him to collect his books.

"Thanks..", he said stopping not knowing what else to say.

"Atharv", he introduced himself.

"Leher." she replied & went to counter to issue her books leaving a smiling Atharv behind her.

"A tough nut to crack!", he exclaimed and then moved towards the counter to issue his books.

Both of them did the formalities and came out together. Leher didn't even looked at him whereas Atharv was busy admiring her. Both entered their class together and again bumped into each other.

"Sorry!", they said in unison to which Atharv smiled while Leher looked at him questioning.

He shook his head while she came and sat at her usual place with Sarah and Hayat. Atharv sat rows back from her from where he could see her properly without any disturbance. The professor came and their class started.


Sarah was just settling down at the hostel. It had become late at night and her new roommates had still not showed up. She were now slightly worried for them. She had waited long enough so as to let the roommates decide where they would sleep, but as they had not showed up so she set up her places and picked her own spots. She kept her side arranged and simple, making herself very comfortable with her cartoon bedsheets.

After arranging everthing, she went into her attached bathroom to freshen up.

She took a comforting bath and wore her night suit. She walked out with her towel, drying her hair. Suddenly she saw a man standing in the room facing his back towards her. She got scared and shouted on the top of her voice.

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