Chapter 4

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"Picnic?" Hayat asked in excitment. "Next week?"

"Yes. Fun, music and tasty food!" Sarah said dreamily.

"That would be so amazing!" Leher said equally excited. "But wait a minute. There is no notice for it till now. How did you know?"

"My brother is student council president if you remember??" Sarah laughed.

While Hayat joined her, Leher shook her head on them. She had always been insecure if Sarah. But he kind nature and bubbly attitude made her love her. She was a very good friend and Leher knew that they are going to be best of friends soon.


"How will you know if she is interested in you?" curious Vivaan asked Atharv as they sat in the college canteen.

"Who?" he asked and both his best friends glared at him.

"Don't you try to act smart, Mr. Malhotra." Karthik said. "We know you like Leher."

"Is it that evident?" he asked confused.

"Ofcourse it is." Sarah came from nowhere to sit beside him and join their conversation. "But my stupid best friend is too innocent to even realise that."

"Did someone ask you that?" Karthik said irked.

"What's your problem?" Sarah asked in the same irritated tone.

"Karthik?" Atharv warned him.

Atharv was the only reason Karthik was tolerating Sarah in their group. They had a rough first meet and as they say, first impression is last impression. And no one can change the impression Karthik has of Sarah.

"I am asking this again, Atharv. How will you know if she is interested in you?" Vivaan asked.

"It's simple, just wait and watch" Atharv said and started moving towards the two girls who were standing in the corridor chatting.

Atharv likes Leher from the day one but doesn't know if he should ask her out or not. He had heard that Leher had slapped a guy a week ago when he tried to flirt with her and to avoid that situation he had to first know if she is interested or not.

They had become good friends from initial days, but not so close that he could tell her what he feels for her.

"Hey Atharv, what's up?" Hayat asked as soon as she saw him there.

"I am good Haya, how are you?" Atharv said giving half hug to Hayat, at which she was shocked.

Leher never thought that Atharv would be such a flirt. She had found a good friend in him and she never knew that he will be so rude to ignore her completely. And how dare he call her Haya? No one calls Hayat that expect her, not even Sarah.

Leher was always possessive for Hayat but being her proximity with Atharv made her heart stoop down and her smile fainted.

She liked him but never thought of him as anything more than friends but then again she couldn't understand the pain amd something burning in her chest seeing Atharv so close with Hayat , her best friend.

She couldn't decide who was she exactly jealous of.

The bell rang and Leher came out of her thoughts only to find Atharv looking at her.

Best Friends Forever: Till I Find Someone SpecialWhere stories live. Discover now