Chapter 1: A PureBloods Wish

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I walked up to my dorm opening the door and shutting it hard, I jump in my bed with my face buried in the pillows.
I heard a knock "Come in" I grunted.
"Lady's time to go", yep thats me a pureblood not surprised? Well I don't care!
"Come in Aido I know its you" I said...he came in and bowed to me.
I nodded and walked out of my dorm heading down stairs, "Good morning lady Saruka!" Takuma walked up and bowed.
"Morning" I said it complete moan, I was up all night searching for my book that I threw in rage yesterday, so I ended up at bed as soon as it was morning.
Kaname was coming out of his dorm, he was a pureblood just like me, but I didn't care to talk to him.
"Morning Saruka" Kaname said looking at me in a good tone.
I didn't want to reply back I was so tired so instead I just walked towards him "Morning" Ugh so much mornings, for me it's actually night!
I walked out and started heading out the gates with Yuuki Cross and Zero Kiryu making sure the day class don't run us over!
"Lady Saruka are you alright? you've stayed silence the whole time you only said morning" Asked Takuma.
I looked at Takuma and give a grin "I'm tired that's all" I yawned a bit and sat in class with a comfy chair.
You see how us purebloods are treated? Pathetic...I'm really not happy with that I wish I was treated like a normal vampire...I yawned a bit and started reading a chapter from the text.
Classes were over so I walked our heading in my dorm and falls on my bed...I was so damn tired!
My pet wolf named Haru came on the bed snuggling me, he was still a puppy...I pet Haru and looked at him smiling softly.
"Haru...what should I do?" I asked dumbly rubbing his head.
Haru jumped on me lightly and gave a sign to play with him, I couldn't resist saying no so I got up and walked outside with Haru.
It was night I didn't care, I got a ball and threw it, he dashed quickly to catch it, he came to me droping the ball on my feet.
I heard footsteps coming closer, and Haru started growling, I picked up Haru and stroked his back.
"Night class students are not suppose to wander around during night" it was Zero appearing with a gun pointing at my head.

I rolled my eyes "So I can't play with my wolf?" That was very dumb of me to say...Haru growled at Zero.
Haru's eyes started turning red, I stroked Haru.
"Look Zero...I just came here to play with-" I heard a click from his gun and I bend down quickly.

Wow...he's quick tempered..."Saruka...are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice, it was Kaname.
I turned my head and Haru jumped out of my arms and snuggled Kanames leg, Kaname used to play with Haru when I had to go with the headmaster for some "business".

"I'm fine I could have got shot...but I ducked" I gave a slight smirk.
Zero looked at me "Get back to class...." he hissed, I walked away with Haru following me.

What's his problem? I shouldn't bother but just stay away from that heartless persone...I get he hates vampires but still I just want a friend from the day class...why do I gotta be such a scary bitch?
It was Morning...I decided to skip classes and stay in my room, whoever knocked I just didn't answer, I kept thinking about that incident that happened last night.
I heard another knock..."Saruka can I come in" it was Kaname, I thought he was in class? Whatever I walked and unlocked the door.
"What's wrong? Why aren't you at class?" He asked. I smirked and gave him a dumb look "Why aren't you in class?".
Kaname grinned "I wasn't feeling like to". "Same here" I said with a grin.
"Will you come with me?" He asked, I felt weird a little its his first time saying that! Wonder what's gotten into him...I walked with him to class sitting on my comfy chair. I kept think about that incident that happened last time...its stuck in my head.
------------------------------------------------------- you like the first part people...ok so WHATEVES right a review and vote if ya like this first chapter!

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