Chapter 6: Who Do You Wish To Die As, Jonathan?

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The subway train stopped and you and John, now in cleaner suits thanks to the Elder, walk out of the train and into the station. As you two walked along the station, a couple of guys started to come at you two. John holds his hand out to stop you as the two of you glared at the men. They started to pull out their weapons when, suddenly, some men came up and stabbed them and killed them.

You let out a small gasp as the newcomers looked at you. But they gestured for you guys to go ahead, John looks between them for a moment then takes your hand in his and both of you start to head out.

As you and John walked out in the main area of the station, a man, who they call Zero, walks down the stairs and started to come towards you two, a knife in hand. John noticed him then looks over at you and both of you nod as you two pull out your own knives and started to walk over to Zero.

"Stick together kids!" A female voice said and a woman with a line of school children started to cut between you two and Zero. Not wanting to hurt anyone, the three of you stopped and waited for the line of kids to go through. "You see? That's why you're special, John Wick." Zero said as you watch the kids go by. "I wouldn't have stopped. It's good they have your back." He said then suddenly, one of his men seemed to have a appeared out of nowhere next to him. You blinked your eyes a few times to make sure you saw that correctly when Zero smiles.

"How was your trip? Going to The Continental?" Zero asked when John looks over his shoulder and see one of Zero's henchmen standing behind you.

John quickly pulls you away from the man then he grabs the guy, slices his throat and stabs him. As the guy slumps forward, John places his arm around the guy's neck then turns to Zero. "He with you?" He asked him then he drops the body. "He was." Zero said and John grabs your hand, just as the last group of kids and other people pass by, and the next thing Zero knew, you two were gone. "Nice trick." Zero said, impressed.

Both of you made it out of the station and into the alleyway when a motorcycle pulls up. John runs, jumps then tackles the driver of the bike, knocking him down and off of the bike. Then another motorcycle comes up and you throw your knife at the driver, which hits him in the shoulder. The driver screams out and stops the bike as you run over to him, pull your knife out and stab him while John was fighting the other guy for his gun. 

John grabs the gun out of his hand and shoots him in the chest then in the head while you stabbed the other driver in the chest, right in the heart. You take a few deep breathes as John gathers the guns from the two drivers then hands you a gun. You take the gun and the two of you head to one of the motorcycles and John takes the control while you sit behind him.

He starts the bike while you wrap your arms around his waist then you two take off just as Zero runs out of the station to see you guys leave.

You two were coming up to the closed bridge when a group of motorcyclists come upon you guys. A couple of them pull out their swords and come up either side of you and started to slash at you with their swords. Both of you duck down then you pull out your gun and shot one of them while John punched the other before he pulls out his gun and shot the bike.

A couple more men started to come at you two and tried to swing their swords at you and John but both of you ducked and John would block then by holding their arm away and you would come up and stab their arm. When another sword swinger came up, John blocked his swings then pulled the sword out of his hand and stabbed him then hit the guy with the butt of the sword then sliced at him. The body flopped backward and his arm got caught in the bike, which made it flip and crash into another cyclist.

Another cyclists came up, which had two riders on it, but you and John took them out. You shot one of the riders and John punch him and hit him with the sword he had then he stabbed the front tire and the bike goes flying while the last cyclist, which was Zero, started to chase after you two.

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