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Hi guys~! I'm back with the rewrite and it's taking place during BBS so Rain's four years old in this story

I'm also thinking of posting this on AO3 but I'm not completely sure yet


Can I ask you something?


Is the darkness really suppose to be bad?

"Rain." A gentle voice spoke.

A hand gently shook the little girl's back.

"Wake up," the voice continued. 

There was a small whine before a pair of violet eyes cracked open.

Sitting up, the little girl blinked back traces of sleep before looking up at the face of her older sister.

"Good morning," her sister chuckled stroking her hair.

"Morning, Aqua." Rain yawned rubbing her eyes.

"Come on now, time to wash up for breakfast," Aqua said ushering her little sister to the bathroom.


After a quick shower Rain was now dressed in a knee length dark blue overall dress with pale yellow stars decorating the bottom with a white long angel sleeved shirt underneath. She wore blue strap on shoes with white socks.

Aqua brushed her blue hair that reached the middle of her back and added her usual star shaped hair clip.

Feeling much more awake Rain chirped a quick 'Thank You' before skipping out of her room and to the kitchen.

The minute she entered the kitchen she was suddenly grabbed by a pair of strong arms.

"Terra!" Rain cheered when she came face to face with the brunette.

"Hey there Raindrop." Terra grinned throwing her up in the air.

His grin widened when she squealed as he caught her.

"Terra! Be careful!" Aqua scolded.

"Relax, I won't drop her." Terra assured placing Rain on the counter top.

"Can we have chocolate chip pancakes?" Rain asked swinging her legs.

"Sure," Aqua nodded opening the fridge to get the ingredients.

"Where's Ven?" Terra wondered looking out the hallway.

"Sleeping?" Aqua said pulling out some milk.

"Maybe," Terra nodded.

"I can wake him up," Rain volunteered.

She hopped off the counter and ran out of the kitchen and to the blonde's room.

The sooner she woke Ven the sooner she could have her pancakes.


A blonde haired boy was soundly sleeping in his bed half covered with his blankets.

A small head with blue hair popped up by the side of his bed.

"Psst, Ven," Rain whispered shaking his leg.


"Ven." A harder shake.

The blonde was still sleeping peacefully.

Birth by Sleep: Rain's StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora