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Hey~ sorry this took long but for some reason it was hard to write Vanitas but I hope I got it


"The name's Vanitas," the boy-Vanitas answered.

"Va-ni-tas," Rain repeated slowly.

"I'm Rain," the bluenette smiled up at the older boy.

He stared at her.

"Huh?" Rain blinked.

He was looking at her wooden sword.

"Cool right?" Rain asked holding her sword above her.

"Pretty soon, I'll be able to use my keyblade,"

"That's what you train with?" Vanitas drawled looking unimpressed by her sword.

"Yeah," Rain nodded not understanding his tone.

"You'll never get anywhere with using that toy."

"But...Ven and Terra both used wooden swords like me before," Rain frowned in confusion.

They still do sometimes, especially when training with Rain, they were both strong too.

"Okay then," Vanitas scoffed, holding his hand out.

There was a flash of purple with crackling electricity before his weapon appeared.

It was a keyblade.

'No way...' Rain gaped staring at the red and black weapon.

The bluenette thought her family were the only ones to use the keyblade so far.

At least that's what Master Eraqus told her.

"I'll give it a shot."

Rain gulped.

She was suppose to fight Vanitas while he had that?

She raised her sword in front of here.

Vanitas disappeared.

Rain gaped until his voice came from above.

Vanitas was right above her, striking downward.

Rain immediately scrambled out of the way.

Gripping her sword tighter she ran towards Vanitas and began striking him.

He easily blocked every one.

One powerful strike against her sword sent Rain tumbling against the ground.

"So..." Vanitas drawled dismissing his keyblade.

"How much did you sword really help?"


The kid was on her side as pushed herself up and panted.

Her so called 'weapon' was a few feet behind her, split in half.

And they used that for training? Vanitas mentally scoffed.

No wonder Ventus was so utterly weak.

The kid was trembling now as she stood up.

Was she going to cry?

"That was amazing!" The kid's head snapped up to look at him in awe.


"I can't believe you have a keyblade! And that thing where you teleported was so cool! Can you teach me how to do that!?" Violet eyes glimmered in excitement.


Vanitas smirked underneath his helmet.

This could work to his advantage.

"I'll think about it," he replied.

"If," he continued crouching down to the girl.

"You don't tell anyone about me,"

The kid blinked in confusion.

"But why? I'm sure everyone else would like having you around!"

'Yeah I doubt it,' Vanitas snorted.

"Technically speaking I shouldn't really be here, I just wanted to check some things out," which sounded about half right.

Not that she needed to know.

The kid seemed to think for a moment before she nodded.

"Deal," she smiled.

"Good girl," Vanitas placed his hand on top of her head.

"Rain!" The faint voice of her older sister could be heard.

"Oh no! It's late!" The kid panicked noticing the darkening sky.

Vanitas was slightly surprised himself.

"Bye Vanitas!" The kid waved as she ran back the way she came.

"Hey kid!" He called out.

She stopped and turned to look at him.

"Our little secret." He held a finger up to his lips.

The kid nodded with a bright smile before continuing her way back home.

Vanitas watched until she was out of sight.

The kid's a little different compared to Ventus and his friends.

Her teacher must have recently been training her.

Which makes his plan easier.

He'll slowly teach her things like how to actually put up a fight.

And eventually show her what darkness can really do when used correctly.

The expression on Ventus's face along the other's, like the kid's older sister when they find out would be priceless.

Vanitas just had to be patient.


"Where have you been!?" Rain winced at Aqua's worried tone.

Ven and Terra, who were behind her were just as worried.

"I was..." the little girl began.

"You're a mess!" Aqua cut her off as she kneeled down to look over her little sister.

The bottom of her clothes were covered in dirt, with splotches of dirt on her cheeks and her hair clip was just barely hanging on to a blue strand.

"What happened!?" Aqua exclaimed.

"I, uh..."

"Our little secret."

"Training! By myself!" Rain nodded quickly .

"I don't think training by yourself leads to that," Ven muttered quietly.

Aqua narrowed her eyes suspiciously at her making Rain gulp.

The older bluenette let out a sigh before picking Rain up.

"Let's get you cleaned up," she said she said with a smile.

Rain wrapped her arms around Aqua's neck as she nodded.

Ven ruffled her hair while they walked back to the castle.

Rain rested her head against the crook of her sister's neck.

She wondered how her newfound friendship with Vanitas would be like.


Sorry if this chapter seemed short but I'll try to make the next one longer since we're getting close to the BBS plot

Don't forget to comment!


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