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College was a total drag. I hated it. When the chance came for a transfer and full scholarship at the University of Miami , I jumped at the chance. I could not wait for the sunshine and beautiful beaches. I loved the new school and worked hard, taking classes year round. 

I lived in the dorm in a private room and ate all my meals in the cafeteria. For 2 years I only left campus occasionally.  As time went by, I found that I needed to get a job to pay for gas and necessities, so I went to work at a local tennis club.
It was a great job. I was outside in the sun, delivering and retrieving towels. If there was a high profile client, I delivered waters and snacks. I was expecting a bonus the next week at a big event. It was a celebrity tennis tournament for Juvenile Diabetes. My job was as usual, except with all the celebrities I had to also help with crowd control. My co-workers and I were instructed to be professional and stay under control
Andre Agassi was a regular at the club and he always played the days I worked, so I was past the starry eyed awe of celebrities. Or so I thought.

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