3 Heaven

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We pulled into a gated residence on the bay. I had heard this was called "Millionaire's Row." There was a cobblestone parking area and a multi-car garage. The house itself looked like a Mediterranean Villa. It was beautiful. Andy pulled right up to the front door. He came around and opened my door.
"Here we are! Casa Gibb! Ha ha ha ha!" He laughed.
I wondered how on earth I was going to get up and make it to the door. He helped me up. While I steadied myself he ran to the door and rang the bell. A tall, dark haired beauty, I knew to be Barry's wife, appeared.
"Oh," she exclaimed, " you're here. The wheelchair!"
She pushed a wheelchair out to help me in. Andy got me settled and pushed me in.
I was speechless. The house was beautiful.
"Hello, dear, I'm Linda. We are so happy to have you staying with us."
I put my hand out to shake and she pushed it away giving me a huge bear hug instead.
"Andy, go set her up in the den. I will bring lunch," she ordered.
Andy turned to his sister in law and saluted. He pushed me into a large den. There were huge comfy couches and an enormous television.
"Look," Andy said, "They have a satellite that gets like 300 channels!"
"Wow!" I answered. "Hey, thanks for offering to take care of me. I thought I would have to go home and forget about University."
"Well, this was my kinda my fault," he explained. "Oh, I called the tennis club, they are calling this a 'work accident'. They have insurance for that kind of thing, so, you are covered."
I breathed a sigh of relief.
Linda returned with a tray of sandwiches and fruit cups. "Amanda, I brought you some lemonade. I hope that is ok."
I let her know it was perfect. Lunch was delicious. It was time for my pain medication. I took a pill and swallowed it down. Andy flipped on the TV and found a movie. We spent the whole day on the couch except for when I needed a potty break.
As we sat there napping on the couch, the gates of Hell seemed to open up. The front door slammed open and a herd of little Gibbs came running in.
When they saw Andy, all of them yelled in unison, "Uncle!" They launched themselves on the couch. Andy flew into action, "No, no, no!! Amanda has one broken leg. She does not need another one from you little Gremlins." He leaned over and covered my leg from the kids.
"Whoa," the biggest one said
"It's a girl!" another one said.
"The girl in the ammulance," the one fluffy haired girl said.
Every mouth was dropped.
"Kids, upstairs, get cleaned up for dinner," the man himself demanded. It was Barry Gibb. Now it was time for my mouth to drop.
Right behind him was another brother, Maurice. "Hey-o, buddy. Whatcha doooiiinn? Oh, hello there, miss?"
I stumbled to my feet and put out my hand, "Hey, ya'll. I'm Amanda. I'm the girl Andy steamrolled at the tournament"
"Oh," Maurice replied in his best imitation of my southern accent, "well howdy do ma'm." He bowed and kissed my hand. 
I pulled back and corrected him, "Um, sir, that is Texas. I am from South Carolina."
Barry answered, "Well, go tigers! Right?"
We all laughed and we immediately were at ease with each other.

Dinner was at 7pm. The cook has prepared some grilled chicken, pasta, and grilled veggies for the adults
The kids ate burgers on the patio.
Everyone was interested in what brought me to Miami and all about my studies. I told them all about the primate sanctuary where I studied the animals. Barry was all serious, but kind. Maurice was funny. Linda and Maurice's wife, Yvonne asked me all about where I was from and about school. The six children had calmed down and came inside. Maurice and Yvonne grabbed their children amd headed home. Linda told Andy to show me to my room.
I had a downstairs guest room. My clothes and some things from home were there as well as my flowers from the hospital. There was an attached bathroom with a walk in shower.
"I hope this will be ok," he said. "My mom uses this room when she comes to visit. There is a chair in the shower and handles to pull up on. The bed is low so you can get in and out easier. Oh, and here is a button to push if you need help. There is a live in maid. She will come help and get me if you need."
I couldn't believe it. I was in was in a millionaire's mansion being cared for by a hearthrob. Wow, maybe I had died and this was heaven.

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