4 Miami Beach Blue and Chocolate Ice Cream Brown

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Everyday I got stronger and stronger. I spent my days by the pool getting tan. I watched Andy playing with his nephews. I couldn't wait to get my cast off and join in the fun. We had a light lunch of cheese and fruit usually. Then, I took a much needed nap. Andy and I would crash on the couch with snacks and watch a movie.
I talked to him about songwriting. He ran upstairs and brought down his song notebook. He had all sorts of lyrics and ideas scribbled down. He told me how he wished he could write songs like his brother, Barry.
I assured him, that we all have our own special talents. We talked about all the singers who didn't write their own music. He seemed to take our  conversation to heart.
He wanted to know all about college. I told him about taking classes and living in a dorm.
Andy was so sweet and we had such a good time together. We looked through picture albums, watched home movies, and talked about everything.
After a few weeks, I felt well enough to get out, so we planned to go out of lunch. There was a place he loved to eat.
We got in his white convertible and headed out.  I loved Miami. It was so beautiful. We arrived at a small restaurant. Luckily, we found a parking space close by. I was using crutches, but still struggled to go long distances.
"Do you want to sit outside," he asked me.
"Sure," I replied. "We can people watch."
Andy was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses, which I hated, because I couldn't see his eyes. We talked and laughed. The waiter came by and took our orders. We both ordered chicken tenders, fries, and sodas.
"What's it like where you are from," he asked me.
I told him all about the small town I was from in the mountains and how Miami was the biggest city I had ever been to.
As we sat there I noticed a man with a camera. "There is a guy with a camera. He is watching us."
Andy glanced around. "Shit!" He said. "Let's go."
"Why?"I asked. "I don't care if the world knows we are friends."
"It's not that," he replied. " He will sell the pictures and someone will make up an outrageous story that might hurt you. I'm not going to let that happen."
We walked inside and paid for our food. Andy had the waiter move his car to the back door and we made our escape.
Andy was angry and cursing under his breath. "I know that guy. I have seen the stories he has done. But don't worry, we will grab dessert at a special place."
We drove outside of the city. The drive along the beach was beautiful. We pulled into a road side ice cream stand. "What flavor?" Andy asked me
"Fudge ripple or mint chocolate chip, on a cone," I answered.
He walked up to the window and returned with 2 cones. We left and drove a short distance away to a secluded beach area. We sat and enjoyed our ice cream. The water amazed me at how clear it was.
"I can't wait to get this cast off so I can go to the beach again," I sighed.
"I can't wait either. I want to take you out on a boat. We can go to the Bahamas. My brother has a house there. We can stay as long as we want."
"That sounds amazing," I answered. I noticed that everything Andy wanted to do was away from everything and everyone. I asked him, "What about all the celebrity stuff? Don't you want to get back to being a star?"
He laughed, "I have a career. Andy Gibb takes care of that. I dress up and put on the sparkle, but I want a private life too."
I totally understood what he was saying, but I had to ask, "Can't both parts of your life co-exist? I mean, your brothers make it work."
He let out a sigh, " That is exactly what I want, but you try to find a woman who wants both. All of the girls I  have dated want to be in the spotlight all the time or they want no part of it. I just can't win."
I put my hand on his, "Well, maybe you just haven't found her yet. She is out the there."
He raised his head. "I never noticed how blue your eyes are," he said.
"Really," I replied. " I always say they are grey, boring ice grey."
"No," he gushed. "They are sky blue or actually Miami Beach blue, just like the water." I laughed. He really was funny.
It was at that moment I felt something happening between us. Uh oh, I thought. I was getting that feeling. I licked my ice cream and finished it off .
"Well, if my eyes are Miami Beach Blue, yours are chocolate ice cream brown," I said.
We both collapsed in laughter. That afternoon was the best time I had ever had. We drove up and down the coast. Finally, we made it back home in time for dinner, hot, tired, and sunburned, but happy.

My Andy Gibb Fantasyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن