2 Is this a dream

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Just before it all went black, I heard voices and a siren. My leg was excruciating.
He stayed right with me holding my hand. "I'm going. Where are you taking her?" Then, black. I thought I had died. There was no way I could see an angel so beautiful and feel such horrible pain.
The next morning I found myself in a hospital. I sat up and a wave of nausea overtook me and I threw up in the washpan on the table. I pushed the button for the nurse. A small black woman in scrubs came in.
"Oh no, honey. Let's clean you up. It's the morphine. It does that to some people," she said. "My name is Denise. I will be your nurse today. Your boyfriend was here all night. He just left. What a cutie!" I had no idea what or who she was talking about.
She emptied the pan, changed my hospital gown, and brought me some water and a toothbrush. I felt like I had been hit by a truck.
"Wha..what happened?" I managed to ask.
"Oh honey," Denise said. "I'll be right back." She left the room for a couple of minutes and returned carrying a huge vase of red roses.
"Well, somebody sure loves you! Look, roses, red roses." Denise also had a newspaper that she handed me. "I saved that for you," she said.
Local Pop Star Injures Fan
I had no idea what it had to do with me.
I grabbed the card. It said,
"I'm sorry. 😥 Andy G"
The little frowny face cracked me up. I read the paper and as usual they had the story all wrong. They said I was a crazed fan who was chasing him. Oh, dear, I thought.
More flowers arrive from the Tennis Club. It was a mixed bouquet.
Lunch arrived and I got another dose of pain meds. The doctor had to use screws and plates to put my fibia and tibia back together. The medicine made me sleepy.
When I woke up, he was there. "Hey, you," he said. He was sitting in a chair beside the bed. "How are you feeling?"
"Well, the pain killers are rather good, but my leg still hurts," I answered.
"Oh, geez, I am so sorry. I was running from those crazy girls and I didn't see you. We collided and you hit the metal cart. Your leg went under it and I fell into it. Then, 'crack,' your leg just, like snapped."
"Well," I replied, "That explains a lot. I'm Amanda, by the way."
"Hey," he replied.
I knew exactly who he was and didn't bother asking his name. I guess he knew. 
He looked at me and smiled a blinding smile, "I'm Andy. Andy Gibb."
I smiled and thanked him for the flowers. Just then, the doctor came in.
The doctor explained that I had suffered a compound fracture of both bones in my lower leg and would be off my feet for at least 3 months. Great, I thought. At least I was on summer break and only had 2 classes left until graduation.
"When can she go home?" Andy asked.
"Well," the doctor replied, "I would say Monday, but she is going to need help."
"No problem," Andy answered." I have it covered. "
I couldn't imagine what he was talking about. I had to go back to my on campus apartment which was...on the 2nd floor. I started to panic. Andy took my hand.
"Shh, Love, I am gonna take care of you. This was my fault," he assured me.
I didn't know what his plan was, but he told me not to worry. Every day he came to visit me. There were more flowers. He had called to college and told them about the accident and that he was taking care of me. He went to my dorm and had everything packed up and put in his storage. He packed a bag of clothes so that on Monday, I was able to wear my own clothes out of there.
I was rolled downstairs to the entrance there was a Jaguar at the entrance. Andy helped me out of the wheelchair and into the car. Across the parking lot was a man taking pictures. I thought maybe he was just someone taking pictures of the hospital.
Andy got in the car. The windows were all blacked out for privacy. He explained what he had done with my things. I was a little upset that someone has moved all my stuff, but I knew it had to be done.
As we drove, he asked if I was hungry. I said, no. So he told me his plan.
"So, here's the deal. I am staying with my brother, Barry. He has a huge house. I told him that I had to help you and he agreed. So we are gonna stay there until you are on your feet. I called the University and explained what happened and since it is summer semester, you are all good. I put your stuff in my storage. There is no need for you to pay for a place where you aren't staying. Here we are." He was talking so fast, I had no time to object. How could I anyway? Here was an angel offering to take care of me. I gasped as well pulling into a cobblestone driveway in front of a Mediterranean mansion. I was speechless. I could not believe this was happening to me. 

My Andy Gibb FantasyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora