Chapter 10

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Harvey's POV:

"Can you get my bag for me from downstairs?" She asked me timidly. I nodded my head at her in agreement. I walked out and closed the door behind me.

I can't believe what's just happened. Obviously I can believe it but I didn't think she'd ever go near me, considering how horrible I am to her all the time. I really don't mean to be it's just I'm confused and she's the reason for my confusion so I'm trying to push her away. I've never been affected by someone before not even remotely, over the years I've been in this school, but a girl I've known for about 3weeks has brought me nothing but confusion. It doesn't even feel like it's been 3 weeks it feels longer.

Maybe I shouldn't have done things with her? But she tempts me so much. Most girls will end up wanting more, and I can't give that to her, I don't date. However, I also don't want her to go to anyone else, not for any particular reason, just because.  Skylar Andrews is truly beautiful and she doesn't even know it, her body is one of the best I've seen, her boobs are the perfect size, her arse is big and her stomach is so flat and has curves. I didn't even know girls like that existed in my world. I've heard the people speak about her at school, they're becoming obsessed.

I walk towards the living room, to find Charlie and Brooke clearly making out on the sofa, Ryan and Evie are no where to be seen. I walk across the room not particularly caring if I interrupt them or not and I grab mine and sky's bags. Just as I go to walk away Charlie starts speaking

"Wow thanks dude! Could've at least been quiet" he says clearly annoyed. I shrug and reply

"You're the ones doing it right there, I needed to get my bags." Charlie rolls his eyes and I begin to walk away, just as I think I've escaped Brooke opens her mouth.

"Erm, why do you have sky's bag?" She asks full of smugness.

"She asked for it" I reply back bluntly.

"Hm okay" both Charlie and Brooke say in unison. At this point I'm bored so I just make my way back to the room, I left Skylar practically naked in.

I really don't know what this feeling is inside me I just cant describe it. How am I meant to act with sky? Maybe she doesn't think anything of it either. Perhaps I'll just ask her. Agh I don't know man. Maybe I like her a bit. But that doesn't mean anything, I could never be with her, for the sake of herself, I'm a ticking time bomb, and she can read me so well. I feel like I couldn't hurt her ever, and again I've only known her for so long. I sigh as I reach the door, I turn the handle and walk back in the room, sky is sitting on the bed and glances at me as I walk in, she has a slight smile on her lips. Wow she really is beautiful.

Skylar's POV:

As he left the room I rushed to the bathroom to get myself freshened up. I looked in the mirror and fixed my hair which had become a mess. I jumped in the shower very quickly, and the warm water covered my skin so nicely, there were fresh towels in the cupboard so I wrapped myself in one. I still had to brush my teeth, but I needed my bag for that. I walked back into the bedroom, made up the bed to make it a little more presentable and sat on it, waiting for Harvey to return with my bag.

Just as I thought his name he strolled through the door with the bags in his hands. He was so effortlessly beautiful and did I also mention he was still topless. His body is toned to perfection, every ab clearly shown. I gave him a small smile and he walked over to me.

"so I'm guessing you showered, hence the towel?" He questioned, looking directly at me.

"Yeh I did, but I need my bag so I can finish, thank you for getting it for me." I replied thankfully back to him. He passed me the bag and I searched through it, taking out my pjs, clean underwear and my toothbrush of course.

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