What are the chances huh?

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Izukus POV

I hunched I've the toilet as I vomited again. It was early morning a hour before school. I had done this 4 days in a row already. I slumped on the ground with a depressing look. Todoroki had broken up with me last week and I was heart broken. I felt like crying thinking about it. A sharp pain shot through my side. I got up and sighed miserably. I cleaned up and grabbed my stuff for school. I rushed out the door and hurried to get to school. I arrived late, I was panting when I got to class. " wow Deku! You okay???" Urakaka asked. I wheezed and nodded. I leaned against the wall and clutched my side where I was getting a sharp pain again. Urakaka and Iida got really worried and helped me to my seat. "I promise I'm fine! I just rushed here and lost my breath" I pressured as they suggested going to the nurse. Urakaka looked at me with a concerned look before walking to her desk with iida close behind. I saw todoroki looking at me with a....concerned face? I looked away with a irritated look. I tried to focus on the lesson Aizawa-sensei was doing but I was distracted by my pain and nausea. It was slowly ebbing away but still noticeable. I should have probably taken some pain relief but I didn't. I was so confused on why I was feeling like this, maybe I ate something? I don't know anymore.....could I......no...no way. What are the chances...............

It was now lunch. The pain had gone down to a ache and I could easily forget about it now. The nausea kicked through sometimes but otherwise everything was okay. I felt oddly hungry tho. I didn't wanna seem like a pig so I ate what I normally ate but I still felt a bit hungry. I sighed and leaned my head back. "Deku-kun...are you sure your okay?" Urakaka asked. I decided to tell her later. "Yeah I'm fine...." I said. I gave her a look that said I wasn't and she nodded. She texted me.

UravityGurl😋: "what time and place?"

Damn she knew me to well

Me: "after school at my dorm"

She looked up at me and nodded. I sighed. I looked at todoroki who was sitting with some of his friends, laughing. I felt my eyes glaze and get droopy. I gritted my teeth and stared at his happy eyes and cheerful laugh, it seemed cold at the same time tho. I felt sick and upset again. He looked at me and I darted my focus away. The bell rang and I rushed out. I made it to my next class and waited for the day to be over

"Okay what's wrong!" Urakaka exclaimed when I Locked my dorm door behind her. We sat on my bed. "Well.....I have been feeling weird lately....I vomit in the morning and I get sharp pains in random placed but mostly my stomach. Im nauseous a lot and I feel more hungry.....this has been happening for 4 days already....i dont know what's wrong!" I sighed and held my head in my hands. She froze up a bit. " wait here." She rushed out. She came back a few minutes later and shoved a pregnancy test in my hands. I froze, "wait wait wait....first...........how the hell did you get a pregnancy test......second.....you think I'm pregnant?" I said with a slight chuckle. "I have them for emergency's in my dorm! And all your symptoms add up! Now take the damn test I was a niece!" "Urakaka!" I playfully punched her. She laughed and pushed me into my bathroom. I took the test and came out. I stared down at the test. "Nothing showing up..." "give it a moment". We waited a few minutes. "Maybe it's broken." "Maybe I'm just not pregnant" "it could just be broken" "hold onto it for awhile. I'll prove you wrong. " "fine!". We laughed an talked a bit but she left awhile later. I checked the time and decided to do some homework. It was atleast 9:45 when I finished so I packed up and went to bed

I was just about to enter the class room the morning after Urakaka made me make the test when she came bounding over. "Deku! Deku!" She exclaimed. I looked at her. She shoved the test in my chest. "Nothings showing upppppp!" " HAH! Told you I was right!". She tried to grab it back but I held it away. I then opened the class door and yelled "YEET!" And threw the test at the front wall. It didn't break like I expected but it fell on the ground. "OH SHIT I DIDINT THINK IT WOULD DO THA-!" I rushed to grab it but Urakaka grabbed it before me and stuffed it in her bag. Everyone looked at me. My face got red with embarrassment and I rushed to my desk. I sat down and put my head down. My nausea was kicking up and my pains where bad. I felt so hungry. I felt like crying, my life was such shit and I really just wanted to die. If todoroki didn't love me, why would anyone else. It was nearing the end of class when Urakaka stood up abruptly. Her chair fell behind her. She had her hand over her mouth. She held something in her hand....I really hoped it wasn't what I thought it was. "U-Urakaka?" I asked. I stood up and took a step toward her. Her eyes where wide. I stared at her. The bell rang but only Aizawa left. The class stayed and watched us. Urakaka walked toward me and gave me the thing she was holding....it was the pregnancy test. I made sure no one else saw what it was.....it had 2 lines. "H-haha.....v-very funny" my eyes clouded with tears. My voice broke and i was clearly about to cry. "F-funny j-joke u-Urakaka....." she stared at me. I was shaking. "T-this was a j-joke......r-right?" My voice cracked. She shook her head. I looked down at the test again and felt tears break out and spill down my cheeks. "Deku? Urakaka?" I heard denki ask. Everyone was dead silent. I turned around and walked out of the class. I ran to the back of the school. I screamed in fury and I threw the test at the ground. My legs crumbled beneath me and I sobbed loudly into my hands. My life was over.


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