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Many 7th year students were back to Hogwarts. Professor McGonagall had decided that anyone who wanted to attend Hogwarts for an 8th year to complete their 7th year to complete their academics could because with Snape, the Carrows and with the happenings of the year the students missed the crucial parts of their education. She was pleased to see so many students back together to learn, to gain knowledge. And she was especially happy to see Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy return since they both had great potential.And she knew there was something between them. What was it that muggles called it? Ah! Chemistry! She wanted both of them to get together because she had once been too blind to see true love when it was dancing naked in front of her. She didn't want anyone to go through the same woeful fate as her. Her decision to have an 8th year was really proving to be the best.

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