Ruby's POV

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Ruby’s POV:

I woke up to a cold sensation on my forehead. I groaned slightly as I blinked open my eyes. The world was all blurry. What happened? I don’t remember much. It’s all a blur. I just remember having a really bad headache and then I guess I blacked out. How long has it been?

“Ruby? You’re awake! Thank god, I was getting worried.” A voice said.

I looked over to my side. I couldn’t make out who it was. They were too blurry. I kept blinking my eyes to try and clear my vision, even just a little. Eventually, I could make them out a little better. I still couldn’t see them much. They were more or less just a blur of colors.

“Onee-chan?” I called in a hoarse voice.

“Ruby… it’s me, Yoshiko. Not Dia.”

My vision finally cleared. Kneeling beside my bed was indeed Yoshiko. I felt anger rising in me. I didn’t want it to be Yoshiko. Why couldn’t it at least be someone else. Even if it wasn’t Dia, I’d be fine with anyone besides Yoshiko.

Yoshiko removed the cold object from my head. I tried to sit up, but I couldn’t. The moment I lifted my body up a little, I started getting a headache. I had to stay laying down. Yoshiko sat beside me on the bed. She started brushing my hair.

I grabbed her arm and shoved it away from me. Yoshiko stared at me in shock. I forced myself to sit up despite the pain. I have had enough of her. I don’t want her with me any more. She’s just made me get worse.

“Ruby, you shouldn’t sit up.” Yoshiko said in a worried voice.

“Leave me alone!” I growled.

“W-what?” Yoshiko’s eyes widened.

“This is all your fault!” I yelled.

“What are you talking about?” Yoshiko asked.

“You know what I’m talking about. You’re the reason I’m like this! You ruined everything!” I shoved her off the bed.

“Ruby, calm down. You’re not thinking clearly.” Yoshiko tried to reason with me.

“Get out!” I screamed at her. I’ve had enough of her. I’m sick of this. She hasn’t done anything to help me. I’ve just gotten worse since this all started.

Yoshiko quickly left the room. Thank god. I don’t want her near me any longer.

I wish she’d have never told me. Maybe then I wouldn’t be like this. I can’t take it. It’s too much.

Maybe she’s the illusion…

What? Could she be? Could she be the one that’s fake? But, why would this… I don’t understand it. But, I want to believe it. I’d rather she be the illusion. But, how could I even prove it.

Kill her…

Kill her? If she’s fake, it shouldn’t hurt, right? No. She’d pretend to feel the pain. She’d still seem real. But, I think I might do it. That could change this. That could make me better. That could mean Dia would come back.

I got off of my bed. I walked downstairs. Yoshiko hadn’t left. She was sitting in the living room. I snuck into the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I’m going to end this now.

I casually walked up to Yoshiko. Yoshiko looked over at me. She stood up. I kept a straight face. I don’t want her to know. She could easily run. I’m not sure I couldn’t catch her in my current condition. The headache was still there. I wasn’t in the best of shape as well. I can’t remember the last time I’ve really been active.

“You feeling better?” Yoshiko asked.

I nodded, “Yeah.”

“So… um… you wanna go back to bed? It’s pretty late.” Yoshiko asked.

I shook my head. That’s not what I want to do.

“Then, what is it you want to do?” Yoshiko questioned.

“Fix this.” I stated.

I forced her into a wall and held the knife to her neck. Yoshiko was panicking as she tried to move away. I had her completely trapped. There is nowhere for her to run. I can do it. I can finally end this.

“R-Ruby, what are you doing?” Yoshiko asked as she shook with fear.

“Fixing this.” I replied, “You’ve ruined everything. You’re trying to make me hurt. I’m going to stop that.”

“Ruby, get ahold of yourself!” Yoshiko pleaded.

“You’re not real… you’re just an illusion, so it won’t hurt, right?” I smiled.

“R-Ruby… s-stop! I am real. I’m not an illusion. Snap out of it!” Yoshiko begged as tears started falling down her face.

“I don’t believe you.” I stated. All I have to do is kill her and then I’ll see Dia again, right?

I was going to press the knife into her neck, when I was pulled backwards. The knife was taken from me and tossed away. I fought against who was holding me. They’ve ruined it! They’ve ruined everything! Now I won’t get better!

“Ruby, I’m sorry about this, but it’s for your own good.” Yoshiko sighed.

She walked over to me. I fought harder. I couldn’t get free. I need to get out. Who even is holding me back?

“You’re getting really bad, Ruby. So, I think it’s time we take you to a specialist.” Yoshiko tied my hands together.

She also tied my feet together as well. The person holding me set me down on the couch. I finally got to see them. It was Kanan. Yoshiko asked her to come over, didn’t she?

“I’m going to call. Watch her please.” Yoshiko spoke to Kanan and then left the room.

Kanan knelt down beside the couch. She was looking at me with a sad expression. I couldn’t move. My hands were behind my back. I couldn’t get to them and see what I was doing. I doubt I can untie myself. Especially if Kanan is right here with me.

Yoshiko soon came back into the room. Kanan went to go talk to her. I used that distraction to try and get free, but I couldn’t manage. I was tied up really tightly. But, it wasn’t tight enough that it hurt me. I watched as Kanan and Yoshiko spoke to each other in hushed whispers.

Yoshiko walked over to me, “Ruby, we’re taking you to the hospital. Someone is going to talk to you about what’s going on.”

“No! No! I’m not going! Let me go!” I screamed. I don’t want to go. I can’t. They’ll think I’m crazy.

“I’m sorry, Ruby. You need this.” Kanan said as she picked me up.

“No I don’t!” I yelled.

“You can say that all you want. You’re going.” Yoshiko stated.

Kanan took me outside. She put me in a car. When did she get a car? Yoshiko sat beside me and Kanan drove. I can’t get away. I have no choice but to face this.

It didn’t take long before we got to the hospital. Someone came out with a wheelchair. They put me in it. I was untied, but then restrained to the wheelchair. I looked at Yoshiko and Kanan. Neither were moving with me as I was taken inside.

“Aren’t you… coming in with me?” I asked.

They shook their heads, “We can’t. You have to be alone. We’ll be back to visit you once we can.”

“Visit me? Wait! You didn’t tell me I’d be stuck here!” I started crying. I don’t want to be alone here.

“Ruby, you’re a little crazy. They’ll need to keep you here to help you get better.” Yoshiko said.

“No! No!” I pleaded.

The worker took me inside anyway. I was alone in a place I didn’t want to be. A place that would treat me like I’m insane. I want to go home. I don’t want to be here. I’m scared.

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