Ruby's POV

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Ruby's POV:

The hospital staff took me to a room for the night. They said that I would meet with someone in the morning. I kept fighting them. I don't want to be here. I want to go home!

Because of my fighting, they ended up sedating me for the night. When I woke up, it was morning. I groggily blinked open my eyes. I tried to bring my hand up to rub them, but I couldn't. I looked down to see I was restrained to the bed. I couldn't move at all. I feel like I'm a prisoner.

A nurse came into the room. She untied me and put me into a wheelchair. I was restrained to the chair again. They really don't trust me at all, do they?

I was brought to a small office. It wasn't very big. Inside was a woman. She was watching me very closely. I don't like this already. I just want to go home. I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm scared of this place. What if they hurt me?

I was left in the room alone with the woman. She was studying me. She was writing things down on a clipboard. What could she be writing already? Is she judging me on my appearance?

"So, Ruby, correct?" The woman said.

I nodded. Is she the one who's supposed to be helping me? I don't like her. I don't want her to do it.

"I've been hearing you've been seeing things that aren't there." The woman continued, "It got to the point you tried to kill your friend, didn't it?"

I nervously nodded. I don't like this. What if she thinks I'm crazy and locks me away. I don't want that. I just wanna go home.

"What are you seeing?" The woman asked me.

"M-my sister..." I stammered.

"And where is your sister actually?"


"I see... have you ever seen her death or her body?" The woman asked next as she wrote more on her clipboard.

I shook my head, "No."

"Where were you at the time of her death?"

"She saved me from dying." I said. She's gonna think I'm crazy for not remembering, isn't she?

"So, she saved you and yet you don't remember it? What do you remember then?" The woman raised an eyebrow at me.

"I... I remember her being in the hospital and waking up." I admitted.

"So you're mind has been playing tricks with you. You believed she was still alive and it got out of hand." The woman said. She wasn't asking me a question. She was just stating what she believed was the truth.

"I guess..." I mumbled.

"Why did you try to kill your friend?" The woman asked me next.

"My mind was telling me things. It said that she was the illusion and if I killed her, everything would go back to normal." I mumbled.

"Well, Ruby. It seems you're suffering from some trauma. I'll prescribe you some medication to see if it will help you." The woman said.

"Am I still stuck in this place?" I asked.

She nodded, "Yes. You'll be stuck here until we find a medication that works."

"Why can't I go home?" I asked. It's all I want.

"Because we can't risk you hurting anyone." The woman said.

"I wanna go home! I don't wanna be stuck here!" I yelled.

"I know. But, it's for your own safety that you stay with us here." She replied.

"No! Let me go! I wanna go home now!" I continued to scream.

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