The First

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Mal's Pov
"I Dare you to...kiss me." The blue headed girl said.
"Why?'' i asked, was she attracted to me like I was attracted to her. She couldn't be I mean hell I just met the girl.
"Okay, fine I'll kiss," I said hoping she wouldn't see how happy I was.
Evie Pov
Mal leaned in slowly, but I couldn't wait so I pulled her in. There are no words to describe how I was feeling. The kiss was slow, passionate, and soft. I didn't want her to stop. Honesty I don't think she wanted to either. I started to climb on top of her while still holding the kiss and accidentally let out a moan.
Mal's Pov
As Evie was climbing on of me she let out a moan, and god was it hilarious. I smiled as we kissed and I wanted to die of laughter, however I didn't want our lips to part. Evie started to take her shirt off, and then I took mine off.
"Are sure about this" I asked.
She nodded we got completely naked and started fighting for dominance. I eventually let her have it.
Evie's Pov
I trailed kisses down her neck, then down her body until I reached her clit. I began sucking on her clit and while sucking on her clit inserted a finger, then another one, and then eventually a third.
"EVIE" Mal moaned. And not even a second after she orgasmed.
I laid beside the beautiful specimen for hours.
Mal's Pov
It was morning. And I had to get ready for school. Evie had woken me up to give my schedule and I had an hour to get ready so I got in the shower. And you won't believe what happened next...

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