"We Just Moved In"

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Y/N = Your Name

It's 5:00 am on a Saturday. You don't have work today and graduated from school years ago. You have zero plans.

You have nothing to do today— I repeat, you have nothing to do today... So why are you awake?

The sun isn't even up yet, so why the fuck are you? I'll tell you why. You're awake because of your neighbors. Somehow, someway, a group of seven—what seem to be frat boys—managed to survive in a three-bedroom, one-bathroom apartment without trying to murder each other.

Can't say the same about the rest of the tenants though.

To say the least, they're annoying to live next to.

They've only been living there for a day or two, and you're sure they're bound to get evicted soon enough due to all of the complaints that they've already been getting.

Sighing, you walk into your living room and lie on your couch, holding the front of your head with your thumb and pinky finger on your temples.

"They'll be gone soon, [Y/N]," You remind yourself, quietly, trying to somehow fall asleep.

Your already ruined nap is interrupted by a knock on the door. You groan. 'What now?' Standing up, you walk to your front door with a tired expression on your face.

You open the door and see two people, about your age, maybe younger. A boy and a girl, both with bubblegum pink hair and white eyes. They share every feature— well, facially.

The girl is about your height, slightly shorter and the boy is only an inch or two taller, him still being pretty short for a full-grown male.

The male has his right hand behind his back, hiding something.

"Good morning!" The girl says, cheerfully outstretching her right hand for you to shake as the boy outstretches his left. You sigh, obviously exhausted.

"Good morning..." You manage to get out. The two of them smile when you take each of their hands at the same time. Their grips both tighten slightly and then let go after giving your hands a firm shake.

"Sarah, Cody," Sarah says quickly and smiles, pointing at herself, then the boy. You nod, not completely caring, but trying to be nice.

"I'm [Y/N]." You say, trying your best to be enthusiastic. Cody leans his arm on the door frame and looks down at you.

"That's a beautiful name." He compliments. You nod, "Thanks, I like your names too." You say. You don't exactly feel anything about either of their names, but as stated earlier, you are trying to be nice.

The two smile. Sarah's smile hides a bit of annoyance for her brother and Cody's is purely flirtatious, "We moved in next door and wanted to come by and say hi!" Sarah butts in, not letting her brother get in another word.

The pastel-pink haired boy stands up straight and takes his hidden arm from his back. He's holding a glass casserole dish.

"We aren't very good at cooking, but our roommate made this for you!" Cody holds the dish out to you, waiting for you to take it. "It looks pretty weird, but we promise, he's like a chef. It'll taste really good."

You tiredly glance down at his offer. Honestly, you can't tell what it is, however, it smells delicious.

"Wow, thank you!" You smile, perfectly imitating a look of gratitude and appreciation, although, you're just hoping that they'll leave soon, so you can try to get some sleep. "Tell them I appreciate it!" The siblings are somehow perfectly fooled by your fake kindness.

You're not a rude person. You're usually, at the very least, a decent human being, but at the moment you're exhausted and very annoyed, making the front that you are currently putting on necessary.

Taking the dish from the boy's hands, you smile as the two stand awkwardly for a second. "Well, we'll get out of your hair now." The shorter of them say. "See you around!" She cheerfully says, taking her brother's hand, somewhat forcefully and walking away.

As she gets farther, the girl waves her hand in an almost flirtatious way and disappears down the hall.

You raise an eyebrow at this and look down at whatever it is they both had given you. It seems as if the so-called chef had worked very hard on it, so it would be a shame to let it go to waste.

Rolling your eyes, you close the door softly and lock it, walking to the kitchen and placing the dish on the counter. You look around for something to cut it with.

It'd be so much easier to figure out what utensil to use if you actually knew what the hell you were about to eat. It smells like pasta, but also smells like pizza, which is very confusing and seems extremely misleading.

Sighing, you decide that a thick knife would be best. You cut out a tiny section, not knowing if you'd like this mysterious concoction. Using a metal spatula, you move the piece onto a plate. Afterward, you put it down and pick up a fork.

From the looks of the slice, it's lasagna, but no lasagna you've ever seen. You spoon (fork ) a small chunk of what might be lasagna into your mouth.

On the first bite, it's obviously lasagna and absolutely delicious, better than anything you've tasted, however, you can't put your finger on a particular flavor that seems familiar.

You quickly finish the plate you've given yourself, but wrap the large dish in aluminum foil and put it in the refrigerator, for later.

You yawn and walk back to the living room, sighing as you essentially throw yourself onto the couch, exhaustedly.

***A/N: Such a boring chapter to write... ToT

ToT...I just want to get to the blood already***

Bubblegum (Yandere Male Twin x Reader x Yandere Female Twin)Where stories live. Discover now