"We're Sorry"

429 7 18

Y/N = Your Name

You knock on the door, patiently waiting for the residents of the apartment to answer. When they finally do, a kind smile creeps onto your face.

"Hello?" The maroon-haired male asks, confused as to who you are and why you are there.

"Hi." You smile kindly, "I'm [Y/N]. I live just next door." You say, hoping that your name will ring some sort of bell, however, the male still looks at you, wondering why you are knocking on the door.

"Sarah and Cody gave me a dish of lasagna last week, I just wanted to return it to you, now that I'm finished." You explain as the male nods, finally understanding who you are.

"Oh, that's who you are..." He mumbles quietly to himself. Outstretching his hand, the male smirks. "Did you like it?" He asks, curiously.

You smile and nod, causing his amber-colored eyes to twinkle in excitement. "Wow, glad to know that someone likes my food." He says as you shake his hand.

"How could they not?" You say, cheerfully. He smiles as his eyes soften. "Would you like to come in?" He asks.

You don't say anything for a moment. 'He seems normal enough, but should I really trust a stranger this easily?' You think to yourself.

"I'm sure that Sarah and Cody'd like to see you." He says, trying to convince you. You don't know.

'There're other people here, so the would stop him from doing anything to me, and he doesn't seem like a threat.' You try to convince yourself to go in as well.

"Why not?" You tilt your head and squeeze your eyes shut as you smile. The man steps aside, welcoming you in. "Cody, Sara!" The male calls for them.

You take a step forward and the door beside you opens, revealing an exhausted Sarah, standing in front of a just as tired Cody.

They both obviously just woke up and are dressed in matching white shorts, which loosely hang from Cody's hips and hug Sarah's. They also both are wearing tank tops and both of their heads of pastel pink hair are messy.

"What the fuck do you want?" The pink-haired female rubs her eyes as the male does the same, their actions are almost in unison. Sarah lowers her hand and her eyes flutter open at the same time that Cody's do.

"Oh, shit." The two exclaim upon seeing you. Their eyes shoot open as they slam the door shut and you hear shuffling and muffled cursing come from behind the door.

The maroon-haired male who had invited you in walks past you. "Ignore them. They're weirdos." He shrugs as he enters the living room as you follow closely behind.

When you enter there are three people: two women and one guy (don't even make a joke), sprawled out, sleeping on one sofa, even though there're three others. The male is almost falling off of the sofa as the two women are taking up most of the space.

Your guide rolls his eyes and grins mischievously. "Hey, idiots." He kicks the back of the couch, startling and waking up the male, who gasps in response.

Unsteady from being woken up so suddenly, he starts to fall off of the couch and on reflex he grabs the first thing his hand touches: one of the female's red ponytails.

He falls to the ground and drags her down with him by her head. She winces in pain at the and groans.

She pulls out of his grasp and glares at him while she rubs her head. "What the hell, Greg?" She yells. He sits up and raises his hands in surrender. "I'm sorry-" He starts but is cut off by the woman reaching past him and grabbing a pair of scissors.

Bubblegum (Yandere Male Twin x Reader x Yandere Female Twin)Where stories live. Discover now