The beginning

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A/N the image above or at the side is her costume

"Look guys I'm not taking care of a bunch of children" I informed the justice league, am I a little young to join the justice league ? Yeah sure at four years of age I was asked to join but I was being trained back then. Now I'm full fledged and official.

"Supergirl you can relate best to them, almost all of them are your age !" Superman said

"look, I'm not hanging around just to teach kids how to fight , And tell them about missions, that's boring ! And what if I'm needed here ?" I really did not want to split even more time in my life.

"what if we make you a deal. You train them but you can be a member too ? And if we need you we'll call !" Batman negotiated. I thought about it, the justice league was a bunch of sticks, hanging out with my kind sounded like a great offer

"I guess I could give it a shot. " I mumbled, this is probably going to end terribly but no backing out now. The justice league seemed happy and batman motioned for me to follow him

"dick will be there" he whispered so only I could hear, I wasn't surprised robin has been wanting to join the justice league since he found out I was in it he seemed really upset batman kept saying he wasn't ready when he found out that we lied to him well he didn't seem happy so I guess he'll do whatever he can to get into the league.

"who else ?' I asked walking into the zeta tubes j'nn teleporting away.

"kid flash, aqualad, superboy and miss martian, meet your teamate and trainer, supergirl." batman said nonchalantly, the team seemed pretty stunned cept' for robin, I just leaned against the wall staring at them.

"hey" I said with a wave of my hand yes I'm very awkward get over it. Kid Flash ran over to greet me

"h- hi I'm kid flash nice to meet you miss supergirl miss miss supergirl" (qoute frm justice league war) I smiled at him and laughed kid flash was just acting we've known each other for years, but the first time we met that was his introduction

"hey kid" I said with a wink playing along but you couldn't see it not under my hood anyway. Next miss martian came

"it so great to meet you" she said sweetly

"please the pleasure is all mine" I walked over to robin and rufled his hair,

"hey Kid" I grinned at his annoyed look.

"what did I say about doing that !" he complained like a child

"It makes you look weird ?" I suggested

"yes ! stop it !" he hissed

"but your hair is like a birds nest !" I sad chuckling making everyone but robin pretty shocked, according to the news I'm like batman cold and scary apparently, not in real life though, in real life I'm really carefree, batman made me act all broody and like him, I was a kid when I started being like him, and like any other kid I did what the adult told me too, guess when I realised I hated the image I created, my 'scary' image had already been formed.

"I'll leave you guys to bond" batman said and you could clearly heard the smirk lacing through his voice.

"as your trainer, I want you in the training room in 5 minutes" I yelled jokingly serious, the team looked surprised but went obidiently.

"today we are working on teamwork, on simulation 104" I told the computer as the scene changed

" okay robin, kid flash and I will take this first simulation you three will take the next" I dodged an attack which came from a robot, it was some metal plates which would cut through any type of skin, at the corner of my eye I saw robin got cut slightly by the metal plate but I decided against running over next robin and KF suddenly got tied up and there was lasers and knives between them and that was my next obstacle get them out without getting killed. I weaved through the skin cutting lasers doing handsprings and cartwheels and backwards tuck rolls easily well until I reaached the knife section this was interesting there were axes coming from the roof and the floor was constantly opening and closing sounds easy for a trained professional right ? yeah it would be but this obstacle course and I go way back it mostly revolves around how the joker managed to get into this old JLA base and capture me while I was in my lowest form and than make the justice legaue almost die by setting the course difficulty to maximum that day I unlockd my 5 highest form pretty cool I guess, I am right now in that form this form's powers are moderate so I can easily control it my first form has no superpowers, second is simple powers third and fourth is for self defense sixth is pretty hard for me seven I only used once when darkseid came to town eight ha wouldn't even think about crossing eight. "five minutes" a robotic voice said snapping me out of my thoughts. I tensed knowing I had to have perfect timing for this I did a box jump jumping over knives and and a hole on the floor and jumping under an axe getting a cut on my stomach area I didn't stop I did an air tuck and roll landing right in front of the two and untied them easily with my claws, the obstacle immediately shut off after that and cheering was heard across the team," okay you guys have fun training I need to go to the watchtower" I said leaving. Honestly I didn't have to but it was getting boring here.

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