Chapter 1 ~ Kagome

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I walk through the woods. Would I have been alone if I knew of other Daiyokai. Unfortunately, I only knew of Sesshomaru. I walk and walk, until I reach a village. I could easily go in there, and hide my mark with my fringe. I pull the fringe over the scar, and then walk in.

"Uh-um... hello?" I say to a man. "Has your village got a priestess? I would like to speak to her..." "Kaede lives in that hut up there." "O-Okay... Thank you!" I wave at him, and then head off in the direction he pointed. I knock on the door, and a young girl opens the door.

That's weird. She looks like... me. 

She has black, wavy hair and pale skin, also big, brown eyes. That's about the only difference - mine are blue.  

"Hello!" she says brightly, looking me up and down. "I'm Kagome. Are you here for..." She pauses and looks at my wrist, where a shard of the Shikon no Tama is. "...Kaede?" she finishes, finally looking up to me.

"Um... well... If you could give me the answer for this, I would happily leave. Do you have InuYasha in your village?" 

Kagome's eyes widen. "Who are you, anyway?" she says.

"Kaori. Higurashi Kaori."

I swear if Kagome's eyes widen anymore, they'll pop right out of their sockets.

"So... could I speak to InuYasha?" I ask, getting impatient. It was obvious that Sesshomaru's brother was hiding here.

"In a minute." Kagome closes the door and yells "INUYASHA! THERE'S A GIRL AT THE DOOR!"

A second later, Kagome opens the door and a boy with silver hair is behind her. He moves a little, and I see silver dog ears. So InuYasha really is here!

"InuYasha... Does the name Sesshomaru mean anything to you?" I ask. InuYasha's eys widen. "Who are you?" he asks.

"Sesshomaru's ex-mate, Higurashi Kaori." 

InuYasha comes out of the hut, holding an old scabbard. He takes it off, revealing a... rusty old sword. He pokes the tip of the thing with his finger. "Why is this thing not transforming?" he mutters, poking it again.

"Because I'm not here to kill you. I'm here to give you shards of the Shikon no Tama." 

"InuYasha..." says Kagome, looking at me uncertainly. "Come in, Kaori."

I walk into the hut. It isn't very homely, but... I give a shriek of surprise. An old woman with grey hair is sitting, cross-legged in the hut. "Are you Kaede...?" I ask, as Kagome and InuYasha come in and Kagome closes the door. "Yes. And yer very polite for a inu Daiyokai, that's fer sure."

"A WHAT?!" Kagome shrieks. InuYasha stares at me in triumph. "I knew it! I knew you weren't human! Sesshomaru, the bastard he is, he wouldn't have a human girlfriend, and you said you were his ex-mate!"

 "Also, I used the Shikon no Tama to become a yokai," I explain to InuYasha. "Yet, I passed it on. I was 6 years old in human years, but in maturity, I was around 16. Also, I believe I had a little sister..." My eyes filled with tears. "I came back here, hoping you'd have the majority of shards! I... I want to become human again. I want to go home."

"I came here, because I came through this place from the well, when I was 4 years old. I used the Shikon no Tama 2 years later, and unwillingly making it tainted, passing misfortune onto the next holder."

"I know who that holder was  - Kikyo, Kikyo of this village. I've brought a lot of misery to this place! I would be surprised if you wanted to kill me now! Although..."

I wiped my eyes, and pulled a sword and its scabbard out of practically nowhere - the sword hides in my back. "Me and Shinkutia can help you."

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