Chapter 2 ~ Home

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I turn around, again and again, on the floor. How can Kagome and Kaede sleep like this?

I turn and turn, and then give up. I sigh, and stand up. Walking towards the door, I look back on a sleeping Kagome. I smile, then open the door. I walk out, and InuYasha jumps in front of me.

"Why are you awake?"

"Couldn't get to sleep." "

Hmmm... Tomorrow, is--"

"The day of the full moon, when you lose your powers and turn into a human, yeah yeah."

"How do you know all this?"

"Ask Sesshomaru."

"Wait... you mean Sesshomaru knows that?"

I roll my eyes. "Dude. Duuuuude. Calm it. As soon as Kagome wakes up--"

But I was interrupted by a "Where's Kaori gone?"

I widen my eyes. "Anyway. InuYasha. What's your coat made of?"

"Fur of a firerat."

"Mine is of a waterrat."

I think it's then that InuYasha got a good look at me. He took in my bright, blue suit exactly like his, and my matching eyes. My dark hair, blowing in the wind, resembles his mildly.


I look away, then to the door.

"I have to go back to the future. Couldn't you tell? Kagome and me... If I am able to travel through there, then I have to find out who my true parents are."

I look him in the eye again. 

"InuYasha... Don't you ever feel alone? You have no siblings, and the one that you do have wants to kill you. Doesn't that... hurt you?"

"Kaori... It does. It's just--"

Kagome opens the door. "KAORI! INUYASHA! I'VE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE!" I roll my eyes.

"Kagome, InuYasha... Will you two take me to the future? I knew that it is a lot to ask of you, but..."

Kagome nods. "Don't worry about your clothes either, Kaori. I have a spare pair up in the future. InuYasha, you're not watching her undress."


"Pervert!" I explode, as Kagome says "No buts. C'mon, Kaor--"

"Just call me Ri."

"Okay... Ri, let's go." 

We walk over to the well. "How the hell do we get to--" I begin, but InuYasha interrupts me. "Jump."

"But how--"

"JUMP!" He pushes me over, and I hear Kagome jump in after me. 

One second, my body's engulfed in different colors. I close my eyes tightly. "Kagome--!"

But then, it stops, and I open my eyes. Kagome's beside me. She stands up, and I ask, "How do we get out of here?"


Once me and Kagome are at the top, she thrusts a pile of clothing at me. "Get changed, and be quick before InuYasha comes back!"

I quickly pull off my robes, and jump into the blue skinny jeans and white sweater with thin black stripes. Kagome hands be a handbag, so I hold it. But she tells me to sit down, and when I do, she puts on red shoes. 

"Stand up, Ri."

I stand up nervously.

"Oh, Ri!" Kagome gasps. "You look as if you've been living around here your whole life! Now, when InuYasha comes, we go into my house. I'll introduce you to Gramps. If he asks any strange questions, just say you can travel through the well. That oughta put him off it."

At that exact moment, InuYasha jumps out of the well. I find a big gaping hole in Kagome's plan. "What about InuYasha?"

"Oh, Gramps already knows about him. So, Ri, are you ready for your first peek into modern Japan?"

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