Chapter 3: Name and Identity

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  A/N: Hi! Sorry I didn't update last week, but the long wait is over. Ta-dah!

Anyway, I want to dedicate this chapter to "Batch 68" plus "Aileen." You know who you are. Haha.

Lastly, I want to thank those people who voted and commented. It was highly appreciated and it encouraged me.'s chapter 3. Enjoy reading!


        The sunlight basked the creature’s face. The rain had stop. Did Komugi leaves?

He felt relieve when he saw Komugi still lying with her blanket. She’s snoring and a small bubble was popping from her nose.

He can’t avoid to smile.

He stands up and walked out of the cave slowly; afraid that he might wakes her and she leaves instantly. He ran toward the river and catches some fish. He’ll make sure that he will fill Komugi’s belly before she leaves.

He caught five fish and that would be enough. It’s still early so he decided to walk back to the cave.

When he came back, Komugi was awake and she was packing her things.

“Are you leaving, now?” He asked.

“The rain had stopped.” She answered.

“Did I ask you to go when the rain stops?”

“Uh . . . no, but I don’t want to disturb you any further, mister.”

“Who says that you’re disturbing me?” He turned his back to Komugi.

Komugi blushed. “Uh . . . uhm . . . I just think that my family is worried about me.”

“Then if you really need to leave, I guess you need to fill your stomach first.”


“I brought some fish.”

“Let me cook it for you, Mister.”

“. . . cook.” He let the foreign word rolled in his mouth.

Komugi raised her hands asking for the fish. “Let me do the honor, Mister.”


The creature realized why the fish he saw last night was a bit darker.

Komugi put the fish on a stick then she cooked it on the fire.

That’s it! That’s the human’s secret. They use fire to make the food more delicious. Fire has another use aside from keeping them warm.

“Here.” Komugi offers happily.

He took the fish then sniffed it. It had a fragrant smell. He instantly bit it and was happy with its taste.

He noticed that Komugi is blowing on it before she took a bite. “Why are you doing that?”

“Huh? Uh . . . because it’s too hot. I can’t eat or even bite it. Are you fire proof, Mister?” She asked smiling and curious.

He shrugged and went back eating.

“Uh, Mister . . .”

“. . . mmmm?”

“Can I have some of the flowers outside your cave?”

“The buruberu?”

“Is that the name of those flowers?”

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