chapter 4

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Three years later,

Marriage life was nothing like what Harry and Niall thought. Long were the days where they went on impromptu dates and the countless adventures and romance together. Instead of the exciting future they hoped, things took a change and slowed down, way down.

Life would repeat day in and day out. For Niall it was also the same, running Horan's pub and flying back and forth between Ireland and London.

Niall would wake up first and take a shower. Harry would wake up minutes later and read the newspaper in his sleeping wear on the balcony. They ate in silence with the occasional humming of the fridge, and in a few short minutes they would be out of the house for work.

The spark which lit up their relationship had died down. There were plenty of nights where they would have dinner and not utter a single word to each other.

Both can't even remember the last time they actually made love.

"Babe, I'm going to work" announced Harry as he grabbed his keys from the stand.

"Have a good day" replied Niall.

Harry gave a soft wave and walked out their large house.

Once outside, Harry let out a satisfied sigh, he was finally out the house. He just needed to get away from his husband. Not that he didn't love Niall, he does. Niall is the love of his life. He couldn't imagine his life without Niall. But it's just different now. Niall dressed differently now than he did when they dated, he mostly wears shirts and tailored pants now.

Harry needed to get away, feel the blood pumping in his veins again.

He couldn't wait to reach M16 and see what activity they have going on. Sometimes Harry would spend weeks away on missions and badly injuring himself in the process. After completing his mission, Harry would take a long week off recuperating somewhere remote, so Niall wouldn't expect anything. He doen't want his hubby to know about his work. Harry felt guilty lying to Niall, but he knew this was for the job.


Liam observed his best friend as he took a sit on the chair across from where he stood. He's late again. Harry gave him a wave and grabbed the file that was in front of him. 

Liam paused for momentarily, he'd long noticed the lack of life in his eyes ever since Harry got hitched. He asked Harry numerous times how's marriage life was treating him, but every time the agent replied with a lazy 'it's fine' and 'okay'.

The sixth time he asked, Harry snapped at him.

After that, Liam made sure not to butt in Harry's private life again.

Harry flipped through the dozen papers in front of him, there were multiple pictures of a man lying on a puddle of blood. He scanned the notes and reports written on pads on the edge of the pictures.

So far nothing extraordinary.

"This is Michael Clifford. Last night, he was killed in the east of London. Head shot right between his eyebrows, the bullet was found four meters away from the body. It was completely clean with no district markings. Ballistics are still testing for any possible evidence as we speak."

Harry starred at the report of the bullet that had killed the man.

He'd never seen a bullet with absolutely no markings, either that man who killed him made his own weapons, or this was done by a shadow.

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