Acceptance (LH2) pt.1

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Areum's POV 

The next day, I was on my bed texting my best friend.

Esmeralda: So... did you get the call yet? 

Areum: Not yet

Esmeralda: I bet you $1 you'll get in

 Areum: gurl, bet!😝

Suddenly, my house phone rang. 

I texted Esmeralda, " Sorry, phone's calling!" I ran to the house phone and saw that the caller ID was unknown. I shrugged and answeres the phone anyways.


" Hello, it this Jeon Areum?"I gasped. On the phone was Bang Si-hyuk, the manager of Big Hit! I silently screamed and decided to get back to what he was saying.

" Miss Areum, meet at the Big Hit Entertainment studio at 4:00 PM to meet your bandmates!"

" Alright, I'll be there!"I hung up and screamed so loud, my eomma, appa, Autumn, and Jackson ran into the room.

" Aein! Are you okay?" My eomma asked, looking worried.

" I got in! I got in!" I screamed repeatedly.

My entire family congratulated me as they cried with tears of joy.

" My little baby grew up to be a kpop idol and I am so happy!" Appa cried. I rushed to my closet and wore my favorite crimson striped sweater and my blue ripped jeans along with my crimson flip-flops. I walked out with my purse and my phone and bid good-bye to my family. I texted Esmeralda.

Areum: I got the call gurl! I owe you a dollar😂

Esmeralda: Haha told you!

I got to the Big Hit Entertainment building and saw Bang Si-hyuk standing there. I rushed up the steps and bowed.

" Hello, Bang Si-hyuk!" I greeted.

" Call me Bang," he replied.

" Now follow me!"As we walked through the halls, he stopped in the middle and said, "Wait in this room." I looked at the sign on the door. It read, " BTS" I hesitated, then turned to Bang.

" What?" He asked. " Go in! We're waiting for your bandmates right now."I opened the door and walked in. All the BTS boys were in the room, and they stopped when they saw me and Bang at the door. I recognized all the boys, so I bowed and said, " Hello!" One of the members, who I recognized as Jungkook, looked up at me.

" How old are you, really?" He asked.

" I'm 16-years-old," I replied, looking down at the older male.

" Funny," said another member, Jimin. 

" You're adorable, and I like you! Problem is your too tall."I laughed along with all the other members. This day so far is getting better every second.


Hope you enjoyed!!! (All chapters titled FGS are written by me and all LH2 chapters are 

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