Part 13 cute

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Natasha grabbed her purse to leave she needed to go to Clint she promised that she will look after he kids cause Clint prepared something for Laura's birthday.

She was getting ready putting her make up on sitting in front of her make up stand when Steve walked into the room and sat on the bed staring at her she caught his eyes in the mirror.

"I want us to get married"he said
"What?"she asked
"I want us to get married"he said again
"Steve I am not ready"she said
"I am"he said
"Yes but I told you I am not"she said
"We need to get married"he said
"So what so you can control me?"she asked
"No I just have a little jealousy problem"he said
"Yea sure a little"she said smirking

She was still mad but he was being really insecure and overprotective he needed to control himself.She thought about marriage she wanted that with him but she needed a little more time.

Natasha walked down the stairs with Steve walking behind her.She was about to leave when Steve stand in her way.

"Steve I have to go get off the way"she said
"Where are you going?"he asked
"I don't have to tell you please"she said
"Do you need a ride?"he asked
"No I am good I am gonna call a cab"she said
"It's dangerous"he said
"It's not"she said calmly

"Where are you going?"he asked
"A friend of mine really needs help"she said
"Who is he?"he asked aggressively

"Steve look at me"she said taking his face in her hands.
"I am not seeing another man you are my fiancé we will get married soon but you can't stop me from seeing or help my friends please trust me"she said

He kissed her passionately to remind her where she belongs to and let her go he needed to really trust her he does trust her he doesn't trust and can think about the other mans looking at her.She is the most beautiful woman of course eveyone will look at her.

"Follow her she just left tell me where she is and who is she meeting with"Steve said on the phone.

He had a last minute meeting so he couldn't follow her himself.

'I am sorry Natasha I just can't stand them beside you'

Natasha paid the cab and walked to the Barton's home she was greeted by Clint ready to leave.

"Auntie Nat"a voice came from behind as Natasha hugged the little girl tight.

"Be a good girl to your auntie"Clint said
"Yes daddy"she said
"We will be fine go"Natasha said

"Sir your fiancé is in this house I send you the address she was greeted by a man do you need me anything else?"
"No thank you I will take care of it"

Steve entered his car and drived to the house it was a big country house with a big garden and children's toys.

He knocked the door and a little boy opened.He sat on the knees he loved children so much that he forgot what he was doing there.

"Hey buddy"Steve said
"Hi"Cooper said

Just then he heard giggle from the other room Natasha was tickling Lila so bad that she couldn't stop laughing.Nathaniel was with his mother and his father he was still little.

"Auntie Nat"Cooper yelled
"Yes?"Natasha asked
"A man is at the door"Cooper yelled

Natasha immediately standed up taking Lila in her hands.

"Cooper didn't I tell you not to open the door to strangers-?Natasha asked

She walked to the room and saw no one but Steve Grant Rogers her fiancé which she had a fight did he follow her?She froze she should have predict that but not in front of the kids she can't do anything.

"Steve What are you doing here?"she asked
"Auntie Nat Who is he is he your husband?"Lila asked
"Yes"Steve said
"No"Natasha said at the same time
"No?"He asked
"Lila Cooper this is Steve"Natasha said rolling her eyes as Steve winked at her

"Uncle Steve"Lila said

She run to him and gave him a hug as he holded her in arms.Steve smiled almost blushing and Natasha smiled at him as she saw that Lila and Cooper loved him.

"Uncle Steve are you gonna join us on our movie night we gonna get pizza!"Lila said excited
"If you Auntie doesn't have a problem with that"Steve said winking at Natasha

"Auntie Nat can he?"the little girl asked
"Yes he can but why don't you two go and put your pjs and we order pizza?"Natasha asked
"Yesss"Cooper and Lila yelled as they got to their rooms to change

Natasha walked to the kitchen with her phone ordering some pizzas.

"Uncle Steve?"Cooper asked
"What's up buddy?"Steve asked
"Can you help me find a pj?"Cooper asked
"Of course"Steve asked

As he walked with him in his room they finally picked some captain America pjs it was his favorite character.When they got out of the room there wasn't Lila or Natasha so Cooper guide him to Lila's room Natasha was helping her with her pjs.

Oh how he wanted to start a family with she was so caring with kids.How could he even think she was cheating he can't believe himself sometimes.He would never track her again he needs to trust her.

The bell rang it was the pizza delivery.

"Pizza!"Cooper and Lila yelled excited

Natasha found her purse to find some money to pay but Steve got the money first and paid.

"I got it"Steve said
"Thank you"Natasha said staring at his eyes

"Movie time"Natasha said 
"Yay"everyone said

They sat on the couch watching a really good new movie as they were eating their pizza the kids soon fall asleep and so did Steve and Natasha hugging each other.

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Next chapter soon....

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