Part 28 genders

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Comment baby name suggestions!

"Natasha are you ready?"Steve asked smiling at her which she did too.

They had the appointment to the doctor for her 4rth month of pregnancy and today they were going to learn the genders they couldn't be more excited.

"I am ready let's go"she said and he opened the door of the car for her to get in

"Mr Rogers Ms Rogers so good to see you"the doctor welcomed them
"Good afternoon"Steve said smiling
"I am assuming you want to know the genders"the doctor said smiling at them
"Yes please"Steve said smiling looking at Natasha
"Great follow me please"

Natasha laid on the bed where the doctor lifted her shirt and applied the gel.

"Okay so what do we have here okay look here is baby A and there is baby B"the doctor said showing them the screen
"And what you hear now is the heart beat"the doctor said Steve looked in awe Natasha admiring her and then at the screen
"Okay so Baby A is a boy!"the doctor said smiling at them
"I knew it told you"Natasha said at Steve
"You did"Steve said he was so excited he was going to have a son a baby boy who he will learn how to play football and do things together
"He kicks?"the doctor asked
"A lot"Natasha said and they laughed
"And baby B is a girl!"the doctor said smiling
"I am gonna have a little princess and a little son thank you"Steve said crying from happiness kissing Natasha

They took the babies photos and left the doctor Steve promised Natasha to go to her favorite ice cream place which was on the beach side.

"Be careful"Steve said as Natasha walked out of the car by herself
"Steve I am okay I can do things by myself I am pregnant not sick"Natasha said sarcastic
"I know darling I just want you to be safe"he said taking her hand as they walked to the ice cream place

"Hey Natasha"Josh said
"Hey Josh how are you?"Natasha said smiling
"I am great how are you?"he asked smiling back
"I am great"she said
"That's good"he said

*cough cough*

"Oh yea Steve this is Josh,Josh this is my husband Steve Rogers"Natasha said as the two mans shakes their hands
"Nice to meet you"Josh said
"Yea"Steve said
"So the usual?"Josh asked to break the awkwardness
"Yep thanks"Natasha said taking her chocolate cookies ice cream
"I will have the vanilla"Steve said taking his ice cream and paid they sat on a table to eat their ice creams
"So from where do you know Josh?"steve asked curiously
"Oh he owns this place and I got a lot of ice cream this month"Natasha said touching her belly and he smiled taking her hand in his
"So now we can actually shop baby stuff"she said
"Of course I am so excited"Steve said
"I am excited too"she said

Steve's phone rang...
"Hello?"he asked
"What now?"he was getting frustrated
"Okay I am coming"he replied

"Is everything alright?"Natasha asked as he closed his phone
"Yea I just need to go to the company"Steve said sadly
"It's okay I am gonna go to the grocery store we need things"she said finishing her ice cream
"Wait for me till I come"he said
"Are you gonna be late?"she asked
"I will try to be as fast as I can but let's take you home first"he said smiling


Natasha was calling Steve but there was no answer he must be in a meeting she thought before she heard the bell rang.

"Axel?"she asked smiling as she opened the door
"Hey missed me?"he asked smirking
"Of course"she said
"How are you how are the babies?"Axel asked
"Oh we are fine"she said carelessing her belly
"That's good do you need anything?"Axel asked
"Actually yes I was going to the grocery store-"she tried to say
"I will come with you to help you"he said smiling
"Great!"she said getting her coat and her bag
"Hey do you mind if Maria join us?"Natasha asked
"No of course no"Axel said smiling and she smiled back dialing her phone

Steve returned home but Natasha wasn't there he started dialing her phone.

"Nat?"He asked
"Oh hey baby"she said
"Where are you?"he asked
"Oh I am coming I went to the grocery store"she said chewing something
"Natasha you cant carry all those bags I am coming to help you right now!"steve said worried
"Oh no baby it's okay Axel and Maria helped me we are coming home I am making dinner"she said
"Axel?"steve asked madly
"Yep on our way baby have to go now love you"she said closing the phone

Steve had putted the phone down and waited for her to return and with who? Axel! The man that he hated the most.He heard the door open and he immediately run to her.

"Hey baby"she said kissing him
"Hey"he said as she cupped his face kissing him one more time
"Tasha where should I put those?"Axel asked
"Oh at the table thank you"she said smiling but Steve was giving him a death glare which he didn't mind
"Where is Maria?"steve asked
"Oh she is coming"Natasha said as she saw Maria
"Making dinner darling you can go sit you are tired"she said they got inside the house
"I can help you put these away"Axel offered
"Oh no it's okay don't bother I have Maria"Natasha said
"Okay"Axel said as he walked to the garden

"I know what you are trying to do she is not coming to you"Steve said
"Oh well that depends on how you treat her"Axel said smirking
"I treat her better than you do"steve said
"Yea huh great we will see I am leaving now see you at the funeral"Axel said smirking

Steve punched the wooden table hard he needs he needs to tell Natasha that he isn't comfortable with Axel around and she can't be friends with him anymore he doesn't see her as a friend he wants her and he is trying to get her.

Give your reviews and votes!
I am so sorry this chapter is so bad!
Axel is not giving up!
Next chapter soon...

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