3. Hide and Seek.

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"Alright kids, let's play a game," Alfred said, every child on the property gathered in front of him. Emil looked on at the forest behind him with a confused expression. Davie sat on a tree not far away to do crowd control.

"The games called Hide and Seek. Ivan will be our seeker the first round," Alfred motioned to Ivan who was smirking dangerously, "your goal is to use your senses to not get touched or grabbed by Ivan. There are a few rules though. First rule! No teaming up- if you are you'll be out immediately, second, no jumping in the deep end of the lake, third, no hitting others in the head, fourth, don't get caught or you'll be out! The last kid standing gets licorice! Any questions?"

"Can we climb trees or hide in the mountains?" Emil asked, looking over at the shadows the mountains cast.

"You can do anywhere in the valley and do anything you wish, but no going out of it," Alfred replied, "Any more?"

An assortment of 'no' filled the air, human children getting revved up to run into the forest.

"Go, you have a minute before Ivan chases you," Alfred replied as kids ran. Davie flew from his spot on the tree, following the youngest. August and June seemed to already know this game, and bolted separate directions, laughing as they went.

"When do you want me to catch West and Virginia?" Ivan whispered to him, asking about the three year old's that ran into the woods.

"After you get some of the older kids, it'll make them stop crying knowing they lasted longer," Alfred whispered back. Autumn came over, smiling softly at him, looking out into the woods where her kids disappeared too. Little baby April, the one with August and June, was curled up in her arms, sleeping soundly. It had only been two weeks since they found the three kids in the mountain, and they fit right in with the group of kids that had already gathered. Not to mention Nala was pregnant, the past slave loving the idea of a little one again.

It wasn't long before a minute passed. Ivan stayed true to the rules, following where Pennsylvania ran off to. Kid needed to be knocked down a few pegs.

The dark and gloomy forest was filled with the strong scent of kids. He kept his eyes watching for movement, and his ears pricked for sound. He heard flapping as Davie flew over him.

Following Pennsylvania through the woods, he found her after about a minute, curled up beneath the roots of an expressive tree.

"Out," he whispered from behind her as she screamed, startling a few birds. He grabbed her by the arm so she couldn't escape again as Davie fell back, landing right in front of them.

"Papa you're mean!" Pennsylvania said, trying to use her other hand to loosen his fingers so she could run for it.

"You shouldn't have stopped moving," Ivan replied nonchalantly as Davie laughed, "now, you need to get back out, Davie will help you. Don't try to run I already caught you, and I know I caught you. Mama will be mad if he finds out you ran from Davie."

"Fine," Pen pouted as Ivan dropped her arm, Davie took her hand and started leading her back out as Ivan lifting his head once more, breathing in the forest.

Tobias wasn't far away. Ivan caught him in the process of trying to climb a tree.

Charles was out next, then Wren, then Hampshire. Now he could find West and Virginia.

He found West laying in the dust staring up at the sky. The toddler got mad when he figured out that Ivan had found him and started crying before finding out that he was only the fifth caught. Davie flew him back.

He found Virginia next. She pouted, but didn't cry, walking back by herself out of the forest. Ontario was only about twenty meters away, he got sent back with Virginia.

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