26. Icebergs.

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"Fucking wonderful," he sighed, clicking his tongue to bring the horse to the trot. Pennsylvania copied him, looking around.

"What's going on."

"Look up, my dear," he said, as a hawk flew down. He held his hand out, and the hawk landed hard on it, flaring its wings and picking under one. Alfred reached to its leg, pulling off a piece of paper. His eyes narrowed as he looked at the paper, and Pennsylvania tilted her head as well. 

"Who's it from?"

"England," Alfred said it with such a hiss in his voice that Pennsylvania cringed. She knew how her mother felt about the empire- hating him with such a passion that he made her despise him too, although what she had heard about him from others would have been enough.

He read it carefully once, and then again. It was like it was fake. 

'I know Canada is with you. Bring him back to my land immediately or there will be repercussions. 

-British Empire'

"That motherfucker," Alfred said, and Pennsylvania looked at him strangely.

"What's wrong?"

"We're going home, okay?" he said, turning the horse around and Pennsylvania copying him, staying close to his side.

"What happened?"

"England has discovered Canada's disappearance from Canada, and has asked for him back."

"But I thought you said that England can't know about the kids?"

"You're right, we'll figure something out with Quebec and Ontario," he sighed for a moment, blinking long and hard so he could try to get his mind to work. How was this going to happen? Was Matthew going to bring the kids back or leave them with him?

Pennsylvania seemed to understand he was thinking about something and left him to his mind. She felt as though she was losing a lot of people important to her- first Dad, then Uncle Juan, and then Uncle Mattie? She didn't want to lose anyone else.



"You won't leave like they are too, right?"

"Of course, dear," he said, placing a hand on her back and rubbing in gently. She seemed to bend into him, and he looked around carefully. He supposed it was true- it was like everyone was leaving at once, only granting a few minutes of closeness before war tore everyone apart again- and he couldn't speak of that either, he was still fighting in battles, he just didn't have to be there for it. 

Matthew was in the garden when he found him, Ontario with his arms wrapped around him and Quebec helping him. 

Alfred squatted down next to where Matthew was sitting, handing him the paper. Pennsylvania sat near to where Quebec was, even though the two of them didn't necessarily get along this was a moment where comfort would be important. 

Matthew read the note slowly, like he couldn't believe it was really there, in his hands. 

His eyes filled with tears that rolled down his cheeks, and he looked over to his brother, wrapping his arms around his neck. Alfred's arms came up to wrap tightly around him, all while Quebec and Ontario looked confused- neither knew what was really happening. They just knew that their mother was going through pain, but they didn't understand what it was or the implications of it. 

"Mom?" Quebec asked, her voice soft as it usually was. She hadn't grown into herself yet, which Alfred always found amusing. 

"Yes, my darling," he cried, wiping his eye for only a moment as she looked at him like a confused puppy.

"Mama, what's going on?"

"What's going on..." he paused for a second, and Alfred patted him on the shoulder, "you're going to be living here, with your Uncle Alfred, and I'll be in Canada."

"What?" she asked, pushing herself up to him. Alfred gave his brother a glance, seeing the pleading expression on his face. This is the outcome he expected from his brother- he didn't wish for his children to get hurt like he had by that horrid man. 

Alfred could still see him on the floor in that mansion bleeding from his neck, and he understood that Matthew was thinking of that now when he was making his decision. 

"You're going to be here, at the mansion," he paused for a second, "and I'm going to be in Canada."


"Because I have too."

"Why can't we come with you?" It was Ontario speaking now, his hair tousled and his hands covered in a thin layer of mud and soil. Matthew seemed to cringe away from the question as if it was poisonous.

"It's too dangerous," he said, sounding like he was in a panic, "England is too dangerous. I won't lose you to him."

The kids seemed to get it just then, besides Pennsylvania, who was staring at a the red curtains that were hanging out to dry.

"Lobsterback." She said, as if it was a statement.

Alfred had to purposefully stop himself from laughing, and Canada looked at him confused- Pennsylvania turned to look back at him.

"Mama, I promise one day I'll get your revenge."

He nodded, and Matthew seemed to look at her with wonder. It was just enough of a startle factor for Quebec and Ontario for them to not cry, which he supposed was enough.

"Matthew, it's time to pack," Alfred said, "I can't risk it, not now, I hope you understand."

"Yes," he replied, although his voice was softer than usual from his crying.

"Come on, I'll help," Alfred said, standing, with Matthew coming along with him. The house was unnaturally quiet, besides the sounds of children running around. Nobody seemed to understand that something bad was happening.

Dildane came up beside the two of them. He was quiet, as though he could see right through the two of them. 

"So, England." those seemed to be his only words for the moment. Matthew nodded, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"I'll miss you," were his next words- the only words he seemed to be able to say without cursing or crying. It seemed to be the moment then, trying not to do either without letting anyone around them know. 

Alfred watched as Louisiana smiled as she passed, completely oblivious to them, and decided that them not knowing was for the best.

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