The King's Mate - III

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After one of the Royal Guard returned with two paper sacks full of food, I wandered back inside. Popping my head into her room, I saw that Therese was still sound asleep, her face slack and innocent appearing. Nodding, I moved back and then went in search of her kitchen.

The food brought by the warrior was enough to feed a human for weeks, but a wolf for probably only a few days. Inside the bags, I found enough to make soup and something for myself and the men outside. While the warrior almost certainly didn't intend that to occur, I wasn't prepared to have them sit it out without something to keep them warm. So, setting things aside, I got to frying up some chicken as I unpacked.

"What the Hell?" I muttered as I looked in Therese's fridge.

It wasn't empty, but it was sorely lacking in staples. I hadn't seen a pantry and her cupboards appeared filled with gadgets and dishware. She'd have had to go out for food or go without while she was sick. Given how she'd been swaying as she tried to remain standing, I'd have bet my crown she'd have done without.

Grousing under my breath about her failure to care for her basic needs, I got to work on dinner. Thirty minutes in, as I was turning from pulling the chicken off the stove top, intending to plate up enough for the others and hand it off, I startled. Although there'd been noise from the oil spatter and frying, I'd have expected to hear Therese come up to the entry of the kitchen. And yet, I hadn't.

"What are you doing out of bed?" I asked, concern lacing my tone. Therese cocked her head as she replied.

"What are youb doing in my kidchen?" she countered.

A blush rose up my neck as I swallowed. I knew I'd overstepped, but I hadn't been able to help it. I'd needed to stay and I had to take care of her. It was hardwired into my DNA.

"Making dinner," I answered, avoiding the real question. Therese's brows puckered as she looked at me. She was wrapped up in one of the blankets from her bed, the ends of it trailing behind her.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I must," I answered, the words pushed out by Dharak before I could control them. Way to play it cool, mutt, I grumbled.

"Why?" she asked again. And, as before, Dharak answered.

"Because you are everything," he stated. Therese's eyes widened a little as I tried to focus.

Dharak was close to the surface. In human form, smaller details gave him away, even if he wasn't having a tantrum. My voice would roughen and my eyes would turn black. If it were as I suspected, not only was his voice taking over mine, but his presence would be seen in my gaze, too. 

"Your eyes," Therese said, confirming my fear. As I was about to deflect, certain that it was too soon for the conversation my wolf wanted to have, Therese stepped closer.

She was within a few inches of me as she looked up, her much shorter stature making her crane a little. With one hand on the blanket, she lifted the other to almost touch my face. Those millimeters separating us were an eternity of space.

After a second, Therese stood back and then cocked her head. She stepped around me and turned off the stove before facing me as my eyes followed her. Dharak and I were near equal-parts in control right now, which was certain to cause more questions. My gaze had to be flickering between the black of my wolf and hazel of my human side.

"There are people oudside myb house," Therese noted when she turned back to me.

"Our guard," I informed her. "You saw them?" I asked, frowning. Usually, the warriors were excellent at staying hidden. If a human had spotted them, I would need to talk to Dimitri about better training.

"I... felt... them," Therese responded, her tone hesitant.

"What do you mean?" I asked, curious. Although I knew much of mates, I hadn't had the benefit of being able to discuss things about a royal mated couple for a few centuries and had less experience with a human and wolf mating. While a wolf would have been able to scent our guard, I wasn't sure how Therese could feel them.

"I donb know," she answered, seemingly perplexed. "I just knowb that they are there," she said. "Just like I know that youb are safe," she continued.

Her response did a few things. It confused me, causing me to send out a mental note to Dimitri to talk to him about something later. More importantly, however, it warmed me and caused me to close the distance between us. In seconds, I had Therese in my arms as I bent to inhale her scent.

"Always, my Queen," I whispered. "You are always safe with me," I reiterated.

"Queenb?" Therese said, leaning back to look in my eyes. Recognizing that this might be unwise, I nevertheless nodded.

"My Queen Luna," I answered. "The men and women you sense are our Royal Guard," I explained.

"What are youb?" Therese asked, the food around us forgotten as she looked at me curiously. There was no fear in her eyes and her heart rate was normal. She appeared to genuinely want to know and there was no sign that it frightened her that I was something other than human.

Of course, Dharak said in my head, prideful. Mate is ours, he stated with satisfaction.

"A wolf," I answered, watching Therese closely.

"A werewolf?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, feeling out of my depth. She was human, yet she was taking this in stride. How in the ever-loving fuck was that possible?

"And they are, too?" she questioned.

"Yes," I admitted.

"And they protect youb?" she asked.

"And you, too, now that we've met," I added. She frowned then and flicked her gaze away.

"It's colb. I feel like they need to come inside," she said, half to herself.

My mouth dried as it finally came to me. Just like the bond itself, Therese's instincts as Luna were coming to the fore. She wanted to ease the way of her pack, even if she didn't understand why.

Grinning, I pulled her back to me as I lifted her in my arms, burying my face in her neck once more. She squealed a little, her hands steadying on my shoulders as her legs wrapped around my waist and her blanket fell to the ground. I nuzzled in, feeling like my heart was cracking open with joy as I held her. She was exceptional and beautiful and now, I was no longer alone.

"Gabriel?" she asked after a second. I nodded, not moving my head but turning toward the entryway. At the door, I finally set her down but kept my arm tucked around her as I opened it.

"Dimitri," I called softly. Although a human wouldn't hear me past the hedge, he did. He strode toward us, his eyes curious as he looked to me and then Therese.

"The Queen would rather you and the others come inside from the cold."

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