Beloved Fae - III (Conclusion)

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Flora had never before had much interest in the naked form – regardless of sex. Although she knew others of her kind had sought physical release as they awaited their soulmate, Flora had not. Truly, she had never been tempted. No one had caught her interest.

That was not so with Trius.

He was a large male. Although vampires tended to be leaner, Trius had the build similar to those humans that played that game with the numbers on the field. He was nearly beastly in his appearance, with a fine coating of hair that rose from a line near his navel up to a blanket over his chest. And what lay below that appeared made for pleasure. As Flora looked her fill, she bit her lip.

She wanted to touch him.

Raising her eyes to his, Flora released her lip and took a tentative step forward. Her left hand reached out as she got closer, her eyes drifting down once more to his chest. There were droplets there, no doubt from the shower she'd heard running when she entered his home.

When Flora's palm stopped just before him, Trius nearly growled. Every single one of his muscles had tensed in anticipation. His mind was taken with the idea of feeling the sweet warmth that he'd been told to expect - for heat sprung from the touch of a beloved.

Unable to wait, Trius stepped forward, bringing his chest to her hand. His eyes rolled slightly at the sensation, the feeling different and more exquisite than his sire had ever verbalized. In a singular moment, Trius knew that his life had changed.

"I am yours to touch," he said, capturing her eyes as her head raised. A smile, soft and small, came to her face as she stepped closer and raised her other hand to him.

The hair on his chest was soft and wiry at the same time. It slipped through Flora's fingers smoothly as she spread them over the muscle that lie beneath. Up her arms, she could feel warmth blooming; a feeling not unlike that of the sun upon closed eyelids.

"I like touching you," Flora admitted, her smile turning mischievous. Trius saw the change as he wrestled with the lust crashing through his limbs. He was fully erect, his cock all but dancing to be with the woman before him.

"May I touch you, Beloved?" he asked, the gravel of want heavy in his voice. Flora nodded and closed the distance between them, stepping into his embrace and running her nose along the skin beneath it.

Trius' fangs were aching, his heart pounding, as his arms closed around Flora. He bent his head, scenting the perfection coming from her and filling his nose with it. His beloved seemed somewhat uncertain moments before, though, so he bit back the need that clawed at him to taste her.

Until she placed a soft, slightly wet, kiss upon his chest.

His beast to the forefront, Trius lifted his beloved in his arms and fell to the chair in the room. With his back upon it, his hand moved up to cup her jaw as his mouth met hers. As his lips tasted the paradise of hers, his other hand moved to stroke her wings behind her back. She had not hid them in her transformation and, as his fingers caressed, Flora moaned.

Words were lost as Trius rolled his hips toward Flora, who was now moving with him in a haze of desire. Never had she felt this building heat that seemed to domino through her. It was pulsing; somehow caused and relieved by her soulmate.

When Flora's mouth found Trius' neck, his head fell back. His body wracked with passion as her perfect, small tongue traced a line from his shoulder to his ear. When her breath hovered over the shell of it, he moaned again.

"So perfect," he whispered, his hands moving to rid her of the clothing she'd crafted when she'd transformed. The fabric gave way easily, tearing under his palms and leaving him to feel her warmth everywhere their skin met.

"Oh," Flora whispered, her mind fogged. She'd been told by her mother that her soulmate would touch upon something within her that she hadn't even known existed and her mother had been right. The entirety of her life was happy, but this... this was better.

"I want..." she moaned, grinding her hips against Trius. She may not have partaken, but she knew what happened between soulmates and she wanted it now.

"Are you sure, Beloved?" Trius asked, his beast screaming at him in the back of his mind to take what was offered. He had to be certain, though. His beloved was his only and he could not stomach the idea of her regret.

"Yes," Flora said, her eyes closing as she felt his hand upon her breast.

Biting the inside of his cheek to attempt to force slow movements, Trius lifted Flora up and positioned. Millimeter by millimeter, he lowered her upon him until all of him was encompassed by her. Centuries of existence, and for the first time, he was alive.

"Trius," Flora moaned, her dark eyes meeting his as she rose up and lowered again. The feeling of him stretching her caused a pulsating sensation that was at once blissful and incomplete. She wanted more.

"Flora...Beloved," Trius groaned, his thoughts fizzing over his mind as pleasure muffled everything but her.

"Everything," Flora demanded, her breath panting as she moved back to his ear. "I want to feel everything," she explained as she pulled back and tilted her head, exposing her neck.

Vampires fed off blood, something that Fae tended to look down upon, given the Fae's preference for life and the vampire race's tendency to kill their meals. Now that they had met, however, Flora's vampire would be able to take from her alone. His need would be sated by substantially less and her body craved the joy his bite would bring.

The red in Trius' eyes brightened as his beast and he saw the pulse at her throat. The beast pushed forward, demanding his human claim his beloved. And, with the sinking of teeth into her creamy skin, their bond was sealed.

Ecstasy exploded through Flora. In a sparkling convulsion of joy, neither of the two noted that every single one of the lightbulbs in the room shattered as Flora's body clamped onto Trius and his body thundered into hers. They were too lost to each other to be aware of anything but the other as pleasure overrode them and the world ceased to be.

Sweaty and spent, Flora snuggled into Trius when he raised his head. Her hair had fallen from her bun, tumbling over her back at his forearm where it curled around her. Nuzzling her nose into his neck, Flora whispered as her lids grew heavy.

"My soulmate," she said, a smile curving her lips up. Trius nodded, rolling his jaw over her head as he tightened his hold on her, his body still within her as his arms sought to get them even closer.

"Yes," he responded. "Always yours."

A/N: Flora and Trius will end here. As I move through this shorts book, I anticipate I'll have some as short as a one shot and others as long as ten chapters. Until next time, happy reading!

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