Chapter 4

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"Bada!" Yejin yelled when she walked into the subway and took a seat next to me. A few people were staring at her with irritated looks on their faces.

Unlike me, Yejin was not shy at all and extremely loud and obnoxious. Once you got to know me I could be too, so with her, it didn't bother me that much.

We had discussed in the morning to take the subway around the same time so we could go to school with each other.

Today was the day of our first excursion and the day that I would at least try to say something to Hyunsuk. I would probably chicken out just like yesterday, but it was at least a step.

"I really don't wanna go, it's that you are going otherwise I would've stayed at home." Yejin spoke and my heart melted. For someone who was always third-wheeling, it felt great to be a first choice for once.

After a while of Yejin doing all the talking and I mainly listening we had arrived and were on our way to the school building again.

"Oh my god, this boy." Yejin sighed while she grabbed my hand to stop me from walking.

"Just a second, I have to wait on Junkyu." She rolled her eyes while texting on her phone. Of course, everyone came by public transport today and not with their usual scooters. But if Junkyu and Hyunsuk were best friends...would Hyunsuk be with him?

After a while of waiting, we saw a happy Junkyu waving at us from afar. Did this boy ever stop smiling? Yejin and I shared a look at each other before we laughed at him, only when he came closer I noticed the person who he was walking with...Hyunsuk.

"Goodmorning!" Junkyu sang and wrapped his arm around Yejin's shoulder while he gave me a happy smile. I gave him a shy 'good morning' back before I looked at Hyunsuk and gave him a small smile which he returned.

"We better get walking before we're late, couldn't you guys leave home earlier?" Yejin snapped.

"Don't blame me for the fact that Hyunsuk feels the need to hold a conversation with every person he comes across!" Junkyu defended himself before he explained to Yejin what had happened, making Hyunsuk explain his version of the story.

I awkwardly walked behind the three. Why did I not make that comment instead of Yejin? Then he would be talking to me. How come she did not have to do anything to get close to him but all I got was a smile?

"Are you excited?" Junkyu asked, trying to include me in the conversation as three heads had turned around to wait for my answer. It took me a few seconds to process what he was telling me so I ended up sounding like an idiot.

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