Chapter 41

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"What's up Bada, came to free me?" Hyunjoo spoke and stepped out as soon as I entered. In shock I looked at him as he fixed his leather jacket.

"W-where are you going?" I asked. He laughed and ruffled my hair with his hand.

"Out of course. I've been babysitting Hyunsuk for the entire day so let me breathe for a minute. You know the deal, he can't go outside or do anything crazy I'll be back later, okay, bye!" He said before shutting the door in my face. I shrugged and made my way to Hyunsuk's room before knocking on it three times.

"Come in!" He yelled but seemed extremely surprised when he saw my face.

"You brother just left." I told him and closed the door behind me. He stood up and walked towards me with a big smile on his face as he twirled me around.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you, I was dying out here!" He hysterically spoke and clutched his heart. It was a good thing he was back to being his cheerful self again. Hyunsuk grabbed my bag from my hands and threw it on his bed. He cupped my cheek with his hands and rested his forehead against mine.

"Why are you in a good mood!" I smiled and rested my arms around his waist. He let out an embarrass laugh but didn't pull his head away and proceeded to give me a kiss on the forehead.

"I missed you." He spoke with a slight hint of desperation in his voice. His words surprised me because I had seen him yesterday which was not even more than 24 hours ago, but it still made me happy. It were just three words but after feeling unwanted it managed to calm me down.

Back in the days I would've passed out by now, but things had changed and now I felt safe. Regardless of what had happened between us I trusted him and I felt safe. All of this gave me hope that perhaps the two week house arrest would help him because after just one day he appeared to be himself again.

"Didn't you miss me?" He asked and closed the small remaining space between us as he gave me a kiss. He removed his hand from my cheek and brought it to the back of my head instead while he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled me even closer. I felt my legs grow weak and my heart almost beat out of my chest at this new intimacy we never had but still felt desperate for more. His tongue found his way into my mouth as I pulled him closer but as if something in him snapped he pulled away and took a step back, leaving me in insecurity.

"Bada, I can't-" He started of talking but stopped mid-sentence.

He would always do the same and all that would go through my mind was the same recycled thought.

Was I not attractive enough for him?

The only difference was that this time he was very clear with his words, making me feel even more insecure. After all the stuff he had done I was suppose to be the one saying that but I didn't. Would our relationship always remain at this level? Did he even want me?

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