Chapter 13

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Hyunsuk turned around to look at me and seemed nervous and shy for the first time since

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Hyunsuk turned around to look at me and seemed nervous and shy for the first time since

"Uhm...I haven't told you this yet and you may or may not have noticed but...uhm..." Hyunsuk began talking, but unlike the confident guy who was always in front of me he looked extremely defeated and ashamed.

"Keep going, you're doing great." Seola encouraged him.

"I have been arrested four times in total...two times for possession of drugs, one time for an assault and the last time for..." he spoke without finishing his sentence. He took a deep breath and looked at me with his puppy eyes as if he was waiting for me to judge him, but I couldn't. Instead I automatically grabbed his hand to keep him talking.

"And the last time for an armed and some of my old friends... I went down the wrong path, I live at home with 5 siblings in total, three younger sisters, one younger brother and an older brother. My brother left and I had to take over the part of being the oldest...I come from a dance family, my parents own their own dance studio and are all extremely busy, which left me with taking care of my 4 younger siblings, I did everything at home...I took them to dance, cleaned, cooked, did their homework while I had dance and school myself. I was physically and mentally exhausted but I did not want to tell my parents about it, they already carried the burden of leading the dance studio, my mom was pregnant again and I thought I had to do my job as the oldest so I never complained and did whatever I was told...but my youngest sister...she's five..."

Hyunsuk grew quiet and his eyes were starting to get watery. It seemed strange to me that there was apparently even more to the story because I always imagined he had a easy life.

"It's okay to be vulnerable Hyunsuk, I thought we were going to forget about this wall you build around yourself." Seola said, which was all it took for Hyunsuk before tears rolled down his cheek.

I was flustered and did not know what to do considering the fact that he was the one wiping my tears this morning. I moved my other hands to his cheek and removed his tears for him.

"Uhm...I was suppose to look after my siblings but I was exhausted and was extremely off that day. My little sister...she ran outside and got hit by a truck, I ran after her but I was just a few seconds too late and saw it happen right in front of my eyes." He told me before he buried his face in his hands and started crying. Out of instinct I grabbed his hands from his face and wiped his tears again.

"The truck ran over her and the driver...he just left...she lost a lot of blood and has permanent brain damage. It's a miracle that she's even alive but it doesn't feel fair because she can't speak properly, she can't walk...The image of her unconscious body laying right in front of me is something which will never leave my memories, all of my siblings had seen it...the entire neighborhood did...and when my parents found out the hardest thing was having to tell them and the police what happened over and over again and yet everyone kept telling it was not my fault but I knew it was because after that day my parents never left me alone with any of them ever again. The driver only got his license taken away because my sister...she ran and he could not have avoided it. When my mom got the baby I went up to her room because I heard the baby cry and I held her...but my mom grabbed her out of my arms and told me that I was a monster and that I should never touch my sister again."

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