White diarrhea is a thing. (pt 5)

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    ( At the dining table)

Ink:Soo, how are you feeling,Killer?


Dream:You need to learn how to knock.


Killer: I'm sorry. I lost my appetite. ( Pushes plate forward and walk away )

(Krik krik)

Cross:Why didn't you guys invite me?

Nightmare: Cause Abyss isn't back yet.

Cross:At least my sexual desire isn't gonna explode if you guys had invited me! Damn it!

(Ring ring)

Nightmare:I'll go get it.( On the phone)

Abyss: Hi! I'm calling cause I wanted to tell you that I will be coming back in 3 days and don't tell Cross cause there is a surprise for him.

Cross: Yo, who is it?

Nightmare:It's Blue!

Cross: Oh okay.

Nightmare:So, how is the mission going?

Abyss:It's finished.Im on my way home.

Nightmare:Okay, good, have a TALE-riffic trip.haha.

Abyss hung up.

Nightmare:What?! rude!

(Nightmare went back to the table.)

Nightmare:Yo guys, Blue told me tha.............


Nightmare; What the fuck, Cross?!

Cross:What? It's not me.

Nightmare:Don't lie,the end of your sleeve have some white on it.


Nightmare: It's prove that you fucking ate it cause' I put BLEACH in my food you shithead!

Cross:.................( gag )

Dream: Are you okay?

Cross:( vomit white things )

Error: What the fuck?!

And that's is how Cross got white diarrhea, my child.

Do vote and comment. Thank you.

Aaaannnnd I forgot to tell you, if I'm not lazy, I will be posting a oneshot. SOOOOOOO, stay toon.Bye.

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