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The sky was bleak and pale grey. The clouds which were floating above the premises were dark grey. It was a cloudy day, and although it was around 10 o'clock in the morning, the sun was nowhere to be seen. Next to the window, close to the back of the bus, [Name] sat with her earphones plugged in her ears, listening to the ost Compass. She was continuing to read the book Behind Closed Doors, as she waited for the university's bus to depart from this campus, to the next one, where she had her classes for the day.

The bus ride was about forty minutes, so she had prepared herself for the somewhat long travel by having good music, and a good book as her company. At least, that was her plan until just before the bus was going to depart, her boyfriend hurriedly entered the vehicle. He was panting slightly, and as he held up his student pass against the card reader, he scanned the passengers sitting in the bus. There were only a few students who occupied the bus, which meant that there were many empty seats. But empty seats were meaningless to Taehyung, because he did not even need to catch the bus in the first place; he was catching it for just one reason. His eyes lit up in joy when the said reason entered his sights.

He pushed his student card in the pocket of his pants, as he power walked towards [Name], and then, sat down next to her. Without any warning, he harshly pulled an earbud out of her ear, which caused [Name] to flinch in surprise and fear. Frantically, [Name] turned her head towards Taehyung's directions, and her eyes widened when she saw him giving her a cheeky grin.

"Hi Noona," Taehyung greeted, as his eyes flickered towards the novel in [Name]'s hands. "What're you reading?" He asked, as he leaned his head on her shoulder.

Just then, the bus started to move. The driver pulled out from the university's driveway, and started to drive the bus towards the exit which led to the main road. There was a bump along the road which caused a heavy thud, and rough movement for the passengers. [Name] winced in pain as her shoulder hit against the window, and Taehyung's head bumped against the side of her neck.

Due to his public display of affection, a blush coated her cheeks. In embarrassment, she quickly closed her book, and stuffed it in her bag, which was sitting by her feet. Then, she gently took out her other earbud, and released it so they would dangle from the collar of her top.

[Name] averted her gaze towards Taehyung, who was feeling really pleased about the fact that [Name] had removed all distractions in order to focus her attention fully on him. It was an act of love, and he wanted to reward her for it. However, his proudness at [Name] soon dispersed into displeasure when [Name] scowled at him.

"Don't call me that out-loud," She began scolding, as she looked around distraughtly to see if anyone had heard him. Then, she looked towards Taehyung, and gently pushed his head off her shoulders.

"Don't be so obvious. It's embarrassing," She said, frowning.

The smile on Taehyung's face disappeared and he stared at [Name] with a stoic stare, before he gave her a strained smile.

"You're being awfully bossy aren't you, noona?" Taehyung stated, as he raised his voice at the end to put emphasis on the word 'noona.'

[Name] furrowed her eyebrows as she fidgeted with her hands. She glanced away from Taehyung, feeling slightly flustered.

"I'm not comfortable with such obvious pda, sorry. I hope you don't mind?" She said meekly, and looked at Taehyung with a soft and apologetic gaze. At this, a shiver ran down Taehyung's spine, and he had a really strong urge to pinch [Name]'s cheeks just so she would scrunch up her nose, and yelp cutely in pain. But, he figured it was too soon in their relationship to start showing his true colours. After all, he did not want to scare her away so soon. As a result, he held himself back, and instead, gave her a charismatic smile.

"That's okay," He began, as he grabbed her hand, and intertwined their fingers together. In response, [Name] just mindlessly watched him.

"That just means that we will have to do even more pda, you know, so that you can become 'comfortable' with it," Taehyung said grinning, as he leaned his head against [Name]'s forehead, and gazed intensely in her eyes. His words caused her eyes to widen in surprise. [Name] reacted instinctively, as Taehyung leaned closer to her face to place a forceful kiss on her lips. But, before he could, [Name] covered his lips with her hand, and held him back.

Taehyung's eyes widened in shock for a brief moment, but he narrowed his eyes at [Name], when she was glaring at him.

"What do you think you are doing?" She hissed, as Taehyung removed her hand from his face, and gripped her wrist tightly. His other hand gripped hers harshly to prevent her from moving, and he gave her a cheeky grin.

"I want to kiss you," He said seriously, as [Name] tried to pull away from him, but she was not able to because he was too strong.

"Well, you can't just do it without my permission," [Name] snapped out-loud, which caused a few students in the bus to turn their heads her way. A girl, who was sitting just two seats away on the left, took out her ear-bud, and turned backwards. She looked at Taehyung warily, and then her eyes drifted to [Name]. Due to [Name]'s struggling form and Taehyung's evident forceful grip, she figured something was off.

Her gaze turned suspicious, and instantly, Taehyung released his hold on [Name].

"Are you okay?" The girl asked [Name], who opened her mouth to reply. But instead, Taehyung spoke on her behalf.

"She's fine," He replied, as he shot [Name] a terrifying glare, which caused her to freeze.

"Noona just likes it rough sometimes," He said, and gave the concerned and unnamed female a forced smile.

Due to the sexual connotations behind his words, a light blush appeared on her dark skin. Nonetheless, she continued to gaze at [Name] for a confirmation. But, when she received no response, much less a glance, she simply shrugged, put her earphone bud back in her ear, and turned away.

Visibly, Taehyung's shoulders relaxed in relief, before he looked at [Name], who was still stunned. She was staring at him like a gaping goldfish.

He smiled a saccharine smile that promised future danger, and radiated present anger. It made [Name] want to flee away from Taehyung as far as possible.

"You were lucky enough to put on a little show this time and get your way. But I promise you, next time, I will get my way, and I will punish you for anything you do to displease me."

Notice Me Noona [Yandere! Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now