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By the time Mina and Vicki finished consoling [Name], and spending some time with her to assure she was okay, it was dusk. The girls offered their place for a sleepover, but [Name] had instantly denied. With their constant support, and late night conversations, they were there for her through it all. She did not want to bother them more than it was necessary. If [Name] consumed any more of their time or attention than it was needed, she would start to feel like a burden and a waste of space. Her anxiety would skyrocket, and her thoughts would eat her alive.

It was time she began taking responsibility for her own emotional baggage. [Name] was sure she could handle herself, she needed to.

As [Name] walked home from the neighbourhood bus stop, she was beginning to become lost in her thoughts. She started to think about her break up with Taehyung. The blond-haired male was a peculiar personality, and even to this point, [Name] found it extremely difficult to understand him. Taehyung was like maths; the moment [Name] thought she finally grasped an understanding of his personality, the next moment would prove her to be wrong and nothing made sense.

She thought he loved her.

[Name] knew that true love never came in single moments, or started to exist with just simple "I love yous." It was a complicated concept that existed and was expressed in different ways. But the underlying variable for any type of love to exist was time. In time, one's experiences, emotions, sorrow, pain, laughter, and other causes were what helped love blossom within two people, or with one's self. Taehyung and [Name]'s relationship was short-lived, but she thought that he loved her because his love felt real.

He seemed to understand her perfectly -- the way she thought, how she would react, what she felt, her needs, and wants -- everything. He knew what he needed to say to make her fly, and ease her nerve wrecking thoughts. [Name] felt safe with the comfort of knowing that Taehyung understood her so well. As a result, he could ease her perfectly. She was so blinded by the safe haven he made her believe he provided for her that she failed to realize how much power she gave him over her. After all, if he could make her fly and reach the universe easily, then he was also capable of manipulating her into believing that cutting off her wings to freedom, in order to stay locked with on the ground forever, was the best thing for her.

When he watched her, or in times of their privacy, constantly asked her questions, initially, she recoiled it with suspicion. However, it was a custom she came to accept. Taehyung tricked her into believing that his unjustified interrogations which discreetly invaded her privacy, were for her own safety, and not because he wanted to keep tabs on her.

She fooled herself to think that his gifts for her were out of pure kindness and love. In reality, Taehyung's gifts were rewards for [Name]'s 'good' behaviour as if she was some sort of pet, who he would punish if she ever disobeyed him.

Taehyung was deceitful and he was playing [Name] like a puppet on strings. She was an intelligent girl, but she ignored her common sense and instinct due to her emotions.

[Name] had expected Taehyung to throw a tantrum, hurt her, or terrify her in some form, but that never happened. He was everything in that moment that she did not except: calm, understanding, mature, and easy-going. He validated her reasons, understood them, and did not force her to explain herself. Actually, he did not even ask her once as to why she was breaking up with. He just went with it, almost as if he knew it was coming, and had something else in mind to deal with it.

Everything went smoothly... Too smoothly, that thinking about it made [Name]'s stomach churn in uneasiness.

As she climbed the steps to her apartment, [Name] shook her head in disbelief. She just couldn't let it go, could she? She was the one who ended everything, and Taehyung was nice about it. She did not feel comfortable around him due to his behaviour, and so, she decided to break up. Everything went her way, and unlike her, if someone else was in her position, they would have moved on. But no, not her. She was still hung up on it and overthinking everything. Even after their break up, [Name] was still trying to pick Taehyung of his flaws. She felt disgusted with herself.

As [Name] stopped in front of her apartment, a yawn slipped past her lips. Tears pricked the corner of her eyes, and she wiped it away carelessly. Her eyeliner smudged at the corner of her eyes, which stained a part of the back of her hand. She glanced at it momentarily, before she shrugged. She twisted the front door knob, and entered her abode.

[Name] felt emotionally exhausted, and she looked around the living room. The lights were on, and she noticed that it was clean. She did not pay too much attention to it, as she took off her crossbody bag and tossed it aside. She walked towards her small kitchen which was connected to the living room, and scavenged for food. Due to her exhaustion, [Name] was after a quick and easy meal; she decided to throw two pieces of bread in the toaster on low heat.

She glanced towards the clock on the kitchen's wall to see it read 7:34 pm. Usually, that was too early for [Name] to sleep. However, she was worn-out. As a result, she was ready to hit the hay at any moment. While the two pieces of bread were being toasted, [Name] walked to her room to get changed.

[Name] laid a pair of pajamas on her bed, before she took off her top. She was about to unhook her bra when she felt a shiver ran down her spine.

Her eyes went wide.

She was being watched again. But, that would be impossible, right?

And that is when realization sunk in.

She was tired and she had entered her apartment, but she never even took out her keys, muchless unlock the door. [Name] always doubted herself, so she checked everything multiple times i.e. whether she had turned off the lights before leaving, and whether she locked her front door or not. For that reason, there was no way that she left all the lights on and left her door unlocked. Not to mention, her living room was oddly clean, when just this afternoon, when she left, it was dusty and the couches were filled with unfolded laundry. It was a mess and she never touched it today, not even ONCE.

Goosebumps rose on the back of [Name]'s neck as she started backing away from her bed and towards her closet. Her heart started to beat frantically against her ribcage and it pounded in her ears. Her breath heaved in fear, as her mind started to run with a million thoughts an hour.

She was shaking and her lips quivered.

I'm being watched. I'm being watched. All this time, someone has been watching me, and they broke in. I have a stalker-- Her panic thoughts were interrupted when she felt a breath on the back of her neck.

[Name] froze.

"Noona~" A familiar deep voice breathed in her ear, and shivers ran through [Name]'s spine.

Her response was immediate and instinctive. She tried to whip back and elbow the speaker in the face, but his reaction was much quicker.

He grabbed her arms, and twisted her around towards him. In pain, [Name] yelped, and then she gasped in surprise.

"T-Taehyung?" She stammered, once she saw the blond-haired male's face. He was dressed in full-black clothing, and the mask he previously worn on his face to hide his identity with, was all crumpled up to sit like a beanie on top of his hair.

Taehyung was giving her a wide grin.

"Surprise~" He chirped. [Name] opened her mouth to respond, however, before she could, Taehyung pushed her forcefully. She screamed as she fell to the ground on her back, and hit her head harshly against the floor. It was painful and black dots clouded her vision.

[Name] groaned as her hands shot up to her head so she could clutch it in pain, but she did not get the chance to because instantly, Taehyung was straddling her. He pinned her hands on the floor over her head with one hand, and pressed a cloth over her nose and mouth with the other.

[Name] was already in pain from being knocked down, and so, with Taehyung applying extra pressure on her face, and on her head overall, it manifested.

She started to struggle in his grip, and tried to push him off of her. However, her efforts were in vain.

Soon, she started to lose consciousness.

"You're mine," Taehyung's words echoed softly in [Name]'s ears as she blacked out.  

Notice Me Noona [Yandere! Kim Taehyung]Where stories live. Discover now