Revival Ch.1

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In the dream the sky was blue, the birds singing and bees on clover nearby. The streams running clear and fish in the river. Next to me was a small boy. I asked him where I was. He didn't answer, instead, his face filled with tears that were carried away by the breeze.

''Make a choice'', the kid answered in a familiar voice.

The air had the gentle heat of the new season, not warm, or cold, but tepid. The sun rays fell like a blanket of white on the young boy's hair. Jaebum bit his lip. Something was bothering him. He wanted to throw up. He felt sick. Nothing felt right. He wanted to cry, but he held it inside. Just like he always did. 

None of it made sense. Why was he talking to himself?

The boy was clearly a younger version of him. His childhood. Flashing before his eyes.

It was wrong. What was happening, and what was the point?

Soon his skin felt the surface of a boiling stew. Beneath his thin skin bubbled toxins, one by one the bubbles burst as easily as pimples. Jaebum was paralyzed. What was happening to him? The small boy in front of him would come closer, then further away, then closer again. He wouldn't stop. There was only one way out.

''I want to know.. i want to find out why all of this is happening''.

The pain was increasing in waves, small lulls giving false hope of an end. Each peak robed his ability to speak, sending him crashing to the bare boards. It's as though his blood had become acid, with the intent of destroying him from the inside out. All he could do was writhe, the occasional whimper escaping to echo off the empty landscape.

For what felt like an eternity, everything turned dark. He came awake under the scorching sun and laid there, blinking. It was over. The dream, or whatever kind of hell it had been. Where was he? He swung his legs down the bench. Was it a dream again? He couldn't trust anything at this point. The only thing he could recall was the accident with Nichole. He was talking to her, and then he passed out? And now here he was, homeless on the street in a world he knew nothing about, because of some dumb magical book.

Jaebum himself hadn't been here for quite long, but he had gotten the gist of it. One thing was clear, this place didn't exist, at least not where he came from. He was still in Seoul, everything was the same, yet nothing was familiar. This was a place that had the same history, that he had known, but it was not the same. Nothing was the same.

Everyone born no longer existed. It took quite some time for him to grasp it, but, imagine our current world, but every one is replaced with someone who we don't know. They'd have the same historical importance, but it's a whole different person. He wasn't sure himself, but that's at least what it felt like. Kinda like George Washington, except his name was now Charles Morgan.

When Jaebum woke up for the first time, he was on this bench in the middle of the street. Beside him was a wallet. He had immediately examined it, and inside were credit cards and a few cash. It wasn't much though. He was going to hand it over to the police, but he stopped once he saw the id card. His face. And worse, his name. Lim Jaebeom. Whoever had brought him here, had created an identity for him. Maybe to keep the balance?

It all still felt unreal to him. He was homeless on the street because of some dumb guy named Jinyoung. On the topic of him, Jaebum needed to find him, quickly. He had read it in the book, or rather the diary Youngjae gave him. It said that once the yearning became strong enough, that's when you became a victim. Of who, Jaebum didn't know. But in short, you'd be eradicated from existence, but to keep everything in harmony, they'd replace you with someone else, and you'd be where you always wanted to be. With the once you yearned for, in their world.

It felt like some sappy romance story to Jaebum, or rather a depressing tale.

If whatever he had read was true, that partially explained why Jaebum should he here. It felt ridiculous to say it out loud, but he felt relieved knowing that he wasn't alone. Sure Jinyoung was a dick, but at least he knew him. He felt scared. But for some reason, it felt everything would make sense once he met him. He was a clever guy, so Jaebum was sure that Jinyoung be able to figure out something. The only problem was that he had no idea where he was. Jinyoung probably thought that he had moved out already, or maybe he had done the same thing. Jinyoung told him he was going to move out anyway, so he really had no idea where to find him.

Jaebum sighed.

He was hungry. 

And lost.

He tapped his pocket, feeling the wallet. The money wouldn't last him forever. Jaebum got out of the bench and headed down the street. He wasn't exactly sure where he was going, he just hoped for the best. Far in front of him, he noticed an old lady walking with groceries in her hand. Jaebum ran towards her.

''Do you want help with that'', he spoke softly.

The older woman gave him a smile but quickly turned it into a frown once she saw his face. The fear cracked in her face, as she rushed down the in clumsy abrupt steps. Gone.

Wait a minute, did she just avoid her?

Jaebum brought his hands up to his face. Was there something wrong with him? He felt anxious, as he turned his back to the woman. What was up with that? Jaebum let out a pout, as he continued his walk. Just then a grocery store came into view.

He jogged inside, hungrily grabbing the first edible thing that came in his sight. At this point, he was starving. He strolled down the store, searching for something to drink. Before he had the conscious, a hum sautered his head. The gentle tones grew louder, as he walked. All at once, he recalled the song he used to sing back in high-school. He sang it whenever he felt hopeless, and somehow everything felt better. As the tune came to an end, Jaebum felt a shiver down his spine.

Someone was following him.

Jaebum wasn't sure if it was paranoia or if it actually was true. To make sure it wasn't his brain playing tricks on him, he quickened his pace, and once again the steps behind him became even more clear. He was sure. Someone was following him. Jaebum clenched his teeth, as he turned around, and there he was.

Park Jinyoung.


A/N: Next chapter on Wednesday. Thanks for reading this chapter, remember to leave a vote and comment if you enjoyed it. Cya <3

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