Not Ashamed

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If you asked either of them, neither would be able to tell you when exactly their relationship started. For Bright, it was somewhere between high school and university, while Tutah would guess the summer before their last year of high school. Regardless, they were together - sort of. Tutah still checked out the other guys while Bright scrutinized the girls. To anyone who might've noticed the subtle signs, they would've thought them in a friends-with-benefits relationship.

But that just wasn't the case at all.

And it wasn't that they were hiding their relationship because they were ashamed of being two men dating. Not at all. It was more like a game to them, to see how long they could go before someone outed them to their friends. Bright bet they would make it to their wedding day with their friends none the wiser. Tutah was certain that now they were hazers, it was bound to come out somehow.

The day they came out was coming sooner than they thought. It began when 0062 told their friend, Arthit, that he would make Arthit his wife and take the gear as his own. Both Tutah and Bright had shared a look.

Arthit was a goner. Plain and simple.

It didn't take long for 0062, or Kongpob as Tutah learned his name was, to get so under Arthit's skin that there was no way the head hazer would ever be rid of him. Bright could see the signs that Arthit was slowly falling in return for the first year, but he was way more stubborn than Bright had been when Tutah had confessed to Bright years ago.


It was late one night after the hazing activities, Bright had followed Tutah to his dorm room, intent on a night of cuddling and relaxing with his special person. That was another thing about them - they never referred to the other as boyfriend. Boyfriend wasn't the right word, it was too simple, too bland. What they had was more special than as mere 'boyfriends'. But until they found the right word, Bright would call Tutah his special person, and Tutah would call Bright his reason - as in, reason for living.

Bright settled himself on the edge of Tutah's bed, watching as the other took off his hazer jacket and hung it up, then changed into some comfy clothes for sleeping. Bright didn't look away once, enjoying the view. Tutah turned to him, eyebrows raised.

"You don't always have to stare, you know."

"I like to," Bright grinned cheerfully. His eyes, however, showed how serious he was about his words. "If I don't watch you constantly, I might miss something amazing."

After years of hearing the same words, no matter how much they made Tutah's heart go nuts, he'd stopped blushing every time. He gave Bright an indulging smile. "Amazing my ass, you weirdo." He sat next to Bright, letting the other rest his head on his shoulder.

"Mm, it is an amazing ass," Bright purred in agreement, hugging Tutah around the waist.

"And how would you know?" Tutah rolled his eyes even thought Bright couldn't see him. "You've never touched it."

"Have so!"

"You know what I mean."

"What? You wanna switch it up?"

Tutah shrugged, letting Bright drag him down on the bed to snuggle together. "I don't mind either way. Just figured you were tired of always receiving."

Bright's head popped up, and he smiled down at Tutah reassuringly. "Hey, it's not like it's a chore for me. I enjoy myself thoroughly."

"You're greedy," Tutah said bluntly, letting Bright's laughter wash over him.

"How can I not be?" Bright pointed out. "It feels good."

Tutah hummed, not having an answer. Who was he refuse Bright, anyway? He liked taking care of the other, and the other obviously liked being taken care of.

That was something about Bright that only Tutah knew. Bright acted confident all the time, like he had no worries. But as soon as he was out of the public eye, Bright wanted to depend on someone else, let them make decisions and be in charge. He was almost like an innocent kid with wide eyes full of naivety.

Nope. Not going there. Not my kind of kink. Tutah glanced down at Bright, smiling softly when he saw the other's eyes were closed, breathing deep and easy. He must've been really exhausted.

"Sweet dreams, Bright," Tutah whispered, kissing Bright's forehead gently. He reached over to turn off the lamp next to his bed, then soon joined Bright in sleep.

This is more like an introduction to the pairing, that's why it's so short. ^_^ I don't have much planned yet, but I was intrigued about this pairing and wanted to try my hand at it. What do you think?

Thank you for the new challenge, Graciebiz! <3

See you guys in the next chapter!



P.S. I think I'm having more fun writing the challenges I'm given than the stories I thought up on my own, lmao~. XD

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