Knot Finally Figured It Out

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Bright couldn't stop snickering to himself. Even Tutah was having a hard time keeping his laughter in.

Arthit scowled at them, cheeks pink. "Stop it! It wasn't that funny!"

"Yes it was," Bright retorted with a cheeky grin. "'I think you like me'. Oh, that kid deserves an award for that line."

"Whose side are you on???"

"Kongpob's," Bright and Tutah said in a monotone voice at the same time.

Arthit eyed them strangely. "You two...what, do you share the same brain or something? You're too much alike."

Tutah rolled his eyes. A smile flickered on his face as Bright pecked his cheek when Arthit's attention was elsewhere. When he looked at his friends again, they were standing there staring at him innocently.

"You two are creepy," Arthit muttered, turning and walking towards his dorm.

They watched as Arthit soon disappeared inside the dorm. Then started laughing.

"That Kongpob..." Bright chortled, wiping tears from his eyes, a big grin on his face. "He certainly keeps things interesting."

"Interesting and entertaining," Tutah agreed, putting a subtle hand on Bright's lower back.

Bright glanced at him Sometimes that was a signal that Tutah wanted alone time. Other times it was just a way to keep in physical contact with Bright. Bright was hoping for the first.

"Wanna get Korean and watch a movie in my room?"

Bright perked. "I'd love to."

Tutah bit back a laugh. He could almost see Bright's invisible puppy tail wagging merrily behind him.


Tutah felt like a schoolboy playing secret agent. He and Bright were hiding around the corner, watching Kongpob and Arthit stand at the food stall, talking. Bright snickered at the annoyed expression Arthit had.

Your face is gonna freeze like that, Ai'Arthit!

"I think he needs another pink milk."

"Or Kongpob needs to kiss him finally."

"Ooo, I like that idea."

"Should we go over there and make them?"

"Nah. Then Arthit would try to kill us."

Bright pouted. "Dammit...if only he wasn't so stubborn, maybe-"

"Hello P'Bright, P'Tutah."

Bright yelped, startled. "Kongpob! You need a friggin bell around your neck!"

Tutah patted Bright's shoulder in sympathy- while at the same time trying desperately not to laugh. Bright's reaction was just so cute to him. Kongpob watched them, smiling. "Sorry, P'Bright. I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't," he denied, eyes narrowing, challenging Kongpob to argue with him. "You just startled me a bit. There's a difference."

"Both cause you to react like a little girl in a horror movie," Tutah said bluntly.

Bright gave him a betrayed look. "Seriously?? Like you didn't get scared when we watched IT??"

"Ugh," Tutah shuddered, not bothering to deny Bright's words. "I will never see clowns the same after that. Creepy little fuckers."

Kongpob laughed. "I agree. Clowns are strange."

"Just make sure if you see a red balloon near a water drain, don't go over to investigate. Run as far and as fast as you can, or Pennywise'll get you."

Tutah rolled his eyes. "Bright, Pennywise isn't real."

Bright scrunched his face up. "Yeah? Tell that to all the kids having nightmares from the movie."

"Are you calling yourself a kid now?"

"That movie never gave me a single nightmare!"

'He's lying,' Tutah mouthed at Kongpob.

Kongpob bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing again. He didn't doubt Bright would smack him one if he did.

None of the three noticed a certain head hazer standing with a couple other hazers. They were watching the three with curious/suspicious expressions.

Since when did 0062 know Tutah and Bright so well??


"Are you two close with 0062?"

Tutah and Bright looked up from the textbook they had been going over, studying for an exam. "Huh?" Bright's brow furrowed in confusion. "Close? Close how?"

"Arthit, Prem and I saw you two talking to him like old friends," Knot stated, sitting across the library table from them. He watched them share an unreadable look. Something's up with these two...

"We were just talking to him," Tutah sighed, resting his chin on his fist. "What, is it a crime to talk to one of our juniors?"

Bright straightened in his seat, eyes glittering. "Was Arthit jealous?? Is that why you're asking??"

Tutah snored softly, shooting Bright a fond look.

I swear...these two act closer than mere best friends... "Jealous? Over 0062?" His eyes zeroed in on Tutah's arm moving slightly towards Bright. Bright jerked, eyeing Tutah with a playful smile. Tutah didn't look at him, but he had a smug look on his face. No way...all this time??? "You two are together, aren't you."

Tutah and Bright tensed, looking at each other before finally facing Knot with sheepish expressions.

Knot rolled his eyes. "You two..."

"Took you long enough," Tutah said, shaking his head in mock disappointment.

Bright smirked. "Yeah. Only, what? Four years, right?" Tutah nodded his head. "Four years late. Still, better late than never."

Knot gaped at them. "You've been dating for four years? And never thought to tell us???"

"We wanted to see if you guys could figure it out on your own," Bright explained, eyes dimming slightly.

Tutah shot Knot an upset glower. "Hey. Don't make Bright feel bad."

Knot watched in surprised as Tutah wrapped an arm around Bright's shoulders, pulling him closer. "...I'm confused..."

Bright rested his head on Tutah's shoulder. "About what? Tutah and I have been together for four years. What's so confusing about that?"

Knot opened his mouth to explain, then thought better of it. "Never mind. I'm happy for you two."

Bright beamed. "Thanks, Knot."

"Yeah. Thank you." Tutah smiled, though it had a warning edge.

Now that you know, keep your hands off of Bright.

No problem with that, Knot thought to himself, nodding at Tutah. I'm not in the business of breaking happy couples apart.

Knot knows now.

I think I'm mostly gonna center each chapter around another friend figuring out that Tutah and Bright are dating. ^_^ Arthit will take the longest, since he's oblivious to stuff like that, lol~

See you all in the next chapter!



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