Silent Partners

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Bright followed after Arthit into the performance area where the campus Moon and Star competition was being held. From the looks of things, they'd gotten there just in time. The competition hadn't started yet. He turned and gave Tutah a knowing smile. Tutah shrugged. It was pretty obvious to the whole friend group why Arthit wanted to be there.

The reason was standing at the far right of the lineup on stage, dressed very handsomely.

Bright and Tutah leaned against the back wall next to each other, getting comfortable so they could watch the show. "Did you like Kongpob's picture?"

"Of course I did," Tutah sighed. "He's the Engineering Moon. Who else's picture would I like?"

"Did you know some universities decide the popular vote from roses given to the contestants?"

"Where'd you hear that??"

"Oh, my cousin Ming is also an Engineering Moon," Bright smirked, looking too full of himself. "Albeit at a different university, but still."

Tutah folded his arms, thinking. "And the popular vote is done with roses?"

Bright nodded, focusing back on the stage though not listening to what the MC was saying. "Mm. Their competition is a week after ours. I was thinking about going and showing Ming my support. You wanna come with?"

Just as Tutah was going to answer, Prem cut in with, "What, not going to ask the rest of us?"

Tutah rolled his eyes in annoyance. Bright snorted, and turned to Prem. "And why would I want the whole monkey squad there, huh? Poor Ming will have a hard enough time with me and Tutah. All of us would make him nervous."

"Doesn't Wayo go there, too?" Knot asked, peering around Prem at Bright.

"Yup. And he's the Science Moon. Kid's awfully cute. He would've done better as his faculty's Star."

Bright cracked up, even after Tutah subtly elbowed him in the ribs.

"I don't believe it. How cute is this kid??"

"Here," Bright pulled his phone out, glancing at the stage to make sure they weren't missing the Engineering performance, and showed Prem his background. "That's Ming, Wayo, then me and Tutah and Win, my little brother."

"Your brother looks nothing like you," Prem observed.

"Different moms," Bright explained, turning his screen off. He noticed that the Science Faculty was onstage performing. He ignored them, instead talking to Tutah. "What're you brooding about?"

"Did you have to call Wayo 'cute'?"

Bright drew back in surprise. "I was only reiterating what you've said so many times!"

The only response was an annoyed look.

"You know I don't go for cutesy guys like that," Bright leaned in so only Tutah would hear him.

Tutah sighed. "Oh? And what kind do you go for?"

"The kind that are strong enough to hold me down."

"Mm," Tutah hummed, expecting the answer. Sure, Bright was strong. But Tutah had more upper body strength somehow. It surprised Tutah the first time they'd gone farther than kissing, since it seemed to really turn Bright on.

"I'm dating you. Why would I look anywhere else?" Bright whispered, glancing around to make sure the others didn't hear him.

"You still look at the girls."

"So? I only do that cuz you check out every guy that walks by."

The hurt in Bright's voice grabbed Tutah's attention, and he turned, studying his reason's face. Yup. Bright was genuinely hurt. "I'm sorry. I only do that to throw the others off."

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